Chapter 10: Second Wind

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I'll still never get used to this view, I thought as we flew over Forever Fall. The Pilot managed to find a clearing amongst the trees and landed safely, the Pilot took off saying that he would be back in an hour to pick us up, me and Neo walked down the ramp and surveyed our surroundings, nothing unusual so far

"Alright, let's try and see if we kind find one of these 'disturbances' I said, Neo nodded and smiled, we began to walk through the trees, as we did so, I found something strange on multiple trees

"Burn marks?" I said, we approached one of them and took a closer look, they reminded me of the marks left behind when someone uses lightning Dust, Neo kept looking at it

"Something wrong Neo?" I asked, she pointed to her hand and then back to the mark, upon closer inspection I saw that the center of the mark looked roughly like a hand shape

"What the hell? What caused this? Who caused this? Someone could be injured, we should try to find them" Neo gave me a determined look and we continued the search, whatever happened to this person must be related to these disturbances!

We walked further until we heard a crackling sound, we immediately ran towards it, upon reaching the source, we discover something truly strange, it was a ball of pink lightning, it didn't move but randomly struck out causing similar burn marks all around the forest, I looked to my partner

"What the hell do we do about something like that!?" I said, Neo shrugged, before pulling out her scroll and photographing it, and then typing something

[Well the mission was to investigate right? If so we can just leave it.] I was about to agree when a distorted sound came from the orb, we just stared when we started making out words

"" I looked to Neo who just looked shocked, it talked? If so, as Huntsmen we can't just leave them like this...what happened to them? I saw as the orb began to take form...into a person, they began to walk towards us, reaching out, each step they took let out a sizzle as the leaves burnt underfoot, Neo backed off, but something about this figure seemed... familiar, the way they walked toward me, Is this......

I walked toward the figure, I could hear Neo trying to get my attention, if my hunch was right, then I'll be just fine, my next actions seemed to just come to me on instinct, I pulled my hand back before grabbing the figures hand, I felt my Aura drain into the being before it disappeared entirely, Neo rushed up to me looking worried

[What was that? Are you okay?] I spoke

"To be honest, I don't know, but don't worry Neo I fe-" I was about to finish when a small hole opened just above me, unlike the one that brought me to Remnant, this one seemed much more natural and didn't seem to have been ripped open, out of it however I only saw a flash of white before I was forced to the ground

I quickly tucked my umbrella underneath my arm started to clear the dust that had been sprayed into the air, I then saw something that made my blood boil, someone, a complete stranger, had landed on top of Y/N, my anger quickly subsided when I heard a loud groan from underneath her, I heard a muffled voice come out

"I feel like Lady Black Heart uuuuuugggggghhhh." Black Heart? eeh more of his ramblings, I had gotten used to Y/N saying some random things at times that only he seemed to find funny, I guess they were jokes from his world, I heard a second groan and looked to see the one who had landed on Y/N slowly wake up, I saw that she had injuries on her limbs, she'll be fine if she has an Aura, but either way she's not getting up for a little while, I carefully reached over to her and slid her off of Y/N

My head feels like shit, I saw someone land ass first on me, I think Neo got them off me, I groggily sat up, I took a better look at who had landed on me and my suspicions were confirmed, with that uniform, she's definitely the second one from my visions, she wore an Atlas uniform, she wore black gloves on each hand, their seemed to be a black shirt underneath the jacket with a red tie by the collar, she had a large dark belt around her waist, snow white leggings with monochrome heeled boots, she had long coal black hair that reached  her waist, I could just make out the grip of what appeared to be a pistol on her back, she looked like a female Ironwood 

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