Chapter 36 The London Season

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Emeleth stood in the window looking out over the lawns. She was holding her newborn son Michael Victor Keith Evans rocking him gently as she watched the spring rain fall. She kissed her little son's cheek caressing his face and sang softly to him. "I love seeing you holding our little son," David said as he moved to stand behind her and hugged her. He gently kissed her neck and Emeleth leaned back against him. He gently bit her ear and moved his hands onto her shoulders. Emeleth felt her legs go wobbly when he nibbled her ear.

"Hi Cowboy," Emeleth said softly.

"You're OK with returning to London for the season? We have been here rusticating an entire year now."

"I will miss spring in the moors but it will be fun to get back. London has its advantages."

"There will be endless balls to attend," David said. Emeleth smiled her brightest smile at him.

"Are you sure I will be invited anywhere after the scandal."

"You're the gunslinger viscountess, you and your little posse will get multiple invitations just on the curiosity factor."

"I really don't want really want to be the center of scandal."

"It never lasts. If you brazen it out it will certainly die down."

"Jenna told me that."

"The stories in the paper were very complementary of your bravery and resourcefulness."

"The twins will be having their first season. That will be fun to watch."

"It will start on Easter Monday when they present themselves before the queen. Manda and Steph will miss that as they are already married."

"I think they prefer it the way it is, Jenna said they will participate but not in white." Emeleth followed David to his desk and sat in his seat before he could occupy it. She propped up her bare feet on the desk and David sat on the desk next to her. "Nat and Stephanie's parents bought the house next to us on Devonshire. I think they are moving in now."

"Yes, Greg told me. Are you excited?"

"Yes. With Manda and Jerome here and the twins staying in the Devonshire house we'll still be all together. Can we build a covered walkway between the two houses?" David laughed at her question and the coy way she asked it. She gave him her 'you got to love me smile'.

"It's being built now. You have been hinting about it for some time. It will link the second floors. Between you, Steph, Jenna, Manda and Pat you will no doubt be wearing a groove in the carpets visiting back and forth." Emeleth laughed in response.

"Do I get a cigar?"

"Not while you're holding the baby."

"Meany," she said teasing and pouted then stuck out her tongue, "I just need to relax a bit. You seem to relax when you smoke."

"How can I help you relax? You don't smoke anyway. You blew on the cigar last time I gave you one."

"Rub my feet Davey!"

"You are such a demanding woman." David lifted her foot,kissed it,put it on his lap and started to rub it. The door to the library opened and Amanda walked in followed by the twins and Smoke. The little dog danced on it rear legs circling and waving its front paws when she saw Michael.

"Can we hold little Mickey?" Amanda asked and took the infant from his mother. She, Kim and Jenny sat together on the couch by the fireplace all of them touching the baby who seemed to love the attention.

"He's going to be spoiled rotten," David teased, "he has a plethora of pretty woman constantly fawning over him."

"He's too young to be spoiled," Emeleth responded. "Besides a little love newer hurts."

"I do think that Davey spoils you Em," Amanda teased.

"Little me spoiled!" Emeleth said and laughed.

"She's right Em," David said as he kissed her other foot and rubbed it, "like I told before I'll give you anything you want. Ask for the moon and it's yours. I will always be your cowboy and you my lady until the end of time."

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