Chapter 30 Across the Moors

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Emeleth laughed as she raced her horse across the moors. Amanda, Steph, Kim and Jenny in pursuit. They reached the coast road that followed the cliff face and slowed their pace to a walk. "It's another beautiful sunny day," Emeleth said. "What was that pile of rocks we passed."

"That was an old monastery," Kim said, "My father said the vikings burned it a long time ago."

"The stones are kind of square like those on the village houses," Amanda observed.

"I think that over the years stones from the old monastery ended up in village homes," Kim added.

"Look at those funny looking birds!" Emeleth said pointing.

"That's a puffin," Jenny said, "they are often eaten. Some people call then mutton birds. I've never tasted one, but I have eaten their eggs."

"I just love to look at the sea. We have nothing like this in Kansas," Emeleth said. "I know sheep are kept here but ponies too?" they watched as a group of ponies grazed near buy.

"Yes, they roam around freely much of the time," Kim said. "We never ventured out like this before. You have really changed things around here."

"Em's never been one to sit around," Amanda said.

"Let's stop here and picnic," Emeleth said. They dismounted their horses and spread a blanket on the ground. None of them were wearing their boots as they set them on the ground next to the blanket after pulling them off. Smoke was freed from her carrying sack and sniffed at everything.Then they passed out sandwiches and bottles of ginger ale.

"I helped Em make the ginger ale," Amanda said, "you'll love it."

"Next time we visit the bog I want to pick some flowers," Emeleth said, "especially the orchids."

"My father said there was quicksand in the bogs," Jenny said looking scared. "They call that Quaking Lake because the ground moves when you walk on it. Everyone shuns it."

"We have lots of quicksand back home but Em showed me how to get out of it," Amanda said, "We used to step in it just to practice getting out." The other girls looked horrified at Amanda and her sister. Emeleth laughed.

"We were notorious tomboys," she said. "I liked bouncing on the ground around that lake today and seeing all the wild flowers. I love all those yellow flowers, the one's with the prickles."

"That's gorse," Kim said, "It grows everywhere thing are dry. It's a always in bloom somewhere."

"There's an old saying," Jenny said, "when gorse is out of blossom kissing is out of fashion."

"NO KISSING!" Emeleth gasped, "we can't have that."

"It's an evergreen Em," Kim teased, "so you and Davey are safe."

"Good, you had me worried."

"I do like your ginger beer!" Steph said as he sipped from her glass.

"Will you show us how to get out of quicksand?" Jenny asked.

"After we get your Mom's permission I would be happy too."

"Everything has been so much more fun since you came Em," Kim whispered.

"That's because I'm teaching you how to be tomboys," Emeleth teased.

"Father would have been shocked to see us ride astride a horse or run about barefoot," Kim said.

"I'm sure he would have adjusted to it," Emeleth said, "your Mom and Aunt have told me stories of their wild behavior when they were girls."

"I can't imagine my Mom doing any of the things we have done since you came," Jenny said.

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