Chapter 26 Cowboy Load

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"How did you get us the entire range for ourselves Papa." Emeleth asked.

"I'm one of the founding members and Monday mornings are usually quite dead," Victor replied.

"The lords are recovering from a weekend of cards and drink," Jerome said.

"I'm so tired of dry firing in the library I could scream," Amanda said quietly, "I want to shoot!"

"The dry firing has a purpose," David said, "and you still need to do it daily. Besides live fire would damage the books and upset the servants."

"And I think the neighbors would object to all the noise," Jenna said then laughed.

"You go first Em," David said handing her his six shooter.

"I want to shoot my cute little gun."

"You will but this one is easier to learn on. Check and make sure it's empty." Emeleth opened the loading port and half cocked the hammer then slowly spun the cylinder.

"All the holes are empty."

"All the chambers are empty," David corrected her teasingly. "Do you remember the pattern?"

"Load one, then skip the next and load four more."

"Go ahead Em."

"I thought your gun was a six shooter," Kim said.

"It is. This is called a cowboy load. The hammer always rests on an empty chamber so your gun won't accidentally discharge if you drop it. OK Em take your stance, both hands on the gun. Pull the hammer back all the way." Emeleth did as she was directer. "Now the important part find your target, keep those pretty blues open and squeeze the trigger." The gun went off with a loud report.

"I hit it!" Emeleth said happily.

"Good job Sweetheart, now do it again." They spent four hours at the range allowing everyone to fire the guns. David had four Colts and two Smith and Wesson. Then they all fired the derringers.

"I like my little derringer the best," Emeleth said, "but the six shooters are easier to hit the target with."

"And you have five shots instead of two," Amanda added.

"I would like to get each of you a six shooter with a shorter barrel, the police model," David said. "You can wear it strapped to your thigh."

"I can still keep my derringer in my purse too," Emeleth said.

"OK ladies, competition time, find a partner and shoot," David said.

"Can I partner with Nat?" Stephanie said sweetly.

"Do we really need to have guns," Jenna asked.

"Probably not, but I am conserved for your safety," David said. "OK now for the long gun. I have my lever action saddle rifle and Sean has his, so who wants to go first." Once they finished shooting the entire group went out for lunch. The young women were all excited and talking together as they entered the little cafe. They received a lot of disapproving stares as they found a group of tables and removed their capes and gloves and were seated. All the women were brightly dressed except for Jenna and her daughters who wore the obligatory black of mourning. Victor smiled at everything and appeared pleased with the energy and enthusiasm of his regiment of women. As soon as they were seated Emeleth slipped out of her shoes and sighed with relief and the other young women followed.

"Are we going shooting again?" Kimberly asked.

"Indeed we are, it's a skill that requires regular practice." David looked at Emeleth's smiling face and said, "you have a smudge on you cute little nose."

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