Chapter 14 Collecting on a debt

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"You're up early!" Sean said.

"I'm going over to walk Em and Manda to work. I got a bad feeling."

"I'll go check on the whereabouts of Sweeney. You seemed quite happy when you got in last night."

"Had a good time as always."

Emeleth and Amanda were unusually quiet as they prepared breakfast. "What are we going to do?" Amanda whispered.

"No idea, but we will talk to David. I'm really concerned for you." Emeleth folded her sister in her arms.

"I think we should talk to the sheriff," Amanda whispered. They were interrupted when William followed by the twins walked into the kitchen. Emeleth released Amanda but stayed close to her.

"You two seen unusually quiet," William said, "I like women smart enough to keep there damn mouths shut and know their place."

"I kind of like their singing and silliness Pa," Jake said. "Good morning ladies, what's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes and eggs," Emeleth said.

"That dinner you left last night was really good," Jake added.

"Good morning," Freddy said, "you two are looking nice this morning." Emeleth smiled and was about to speak when William cut in.

"Stop the foolish talk. You two need to leave early and I have some business too. Just shut up, sit and eat." They took their usual seats and Emeleth served the food and Amanda the coffee. "Who made the coffee. It ain't fit to strip paint."

"I did Pa," Amanda said in a barely audible voice. She had her eyes cast toward the floor and was visibly shaking.

"Your Coffee is just fine Mandy," Jake said soothingly.

"We're working at the hotel today," Emeleth said. The tension at the table was evident and there was little of the usual conversation. Jake and Freddy left early and the girls started on the dishes and put the bread in the oven. They had just taken the bread out of the oven when William called them outside. Sweeney was standing in the yard with a disturbing smile on his face.

"What ya need Pa?" Emeleth asked standing on the porch. Amanda held back standing in the door frame.

"Come here Amanda and meet your husband," William said. Amanda froze.

"That's nonsense Pa." Emeleth said loudly, Manda's only sixteen and you can't just go marrying her off."

"I can and I will. And there's not a damn thing you can do."

Sweeney walked up to Amanda and grabbed her wrist and started to pull her. "Come along girl, you heard your Pa. We're getting married for at least a day. You can go home when I'm done." Emeleth jumped on Sweeney beating him with her fists and kicking him. William grabbed Emeleth's hair and pulled her off, punched her and kicked her to the ground.

"That's enough you little hellcat," he growled as David walked into the yard.

"Get your hands off of them!" David said and both men looked at him in surprise. Emeleth was on her feet. She was panting with rage.

"Pa sold Manda! He killed Ma too. Manda saw it, she remembered seeing it."

"You can't sell people any more," David shouted. "You have no right treat your own daughters as property, so back off."

"I've been hoping to take you out," Sweeney said and let go of Amanda and pulled a pistol from his belt. Emeleth screamed and grabbed his hand biting it and trying to wrestle the gun away. Struggling and biting so hard she drew blood Emeleth forced the gun from him. She clasped the gun tightly just as it went off with a deafening report. She dropped the gun. By then David had his gun out. His bullet struck Sweeney in mid chest and he fell backward hitting the ground with a thud. David stood over him and sent two more bullets into his chest. Sweeney groaned and writhed in pain as he bleed out. Then looking at William, David growled, "Run you bastard." William ran. Amanda collapsed in terror to the ground and Emeleth was immediately at her side. Sean had just learned of Sweeney's whereabouts and came running into the yard and saw William in flight.

"You're hit Major," Sean said. David looked down and saw a growing wet area on his upper thigh. Emeleth had the presence of mind to tear a strip off her petticoat and wrap a tight bandage around his wound. David was surprised that he felt no pain. "Did Sweeney shoot you?"

"No I did," Emeleth said, "Better get the sheriff. I'll turn myself in."

Sean arrived back several minutes later with the sheriff. The doctor and the undertaker also arrived.

"I shot Davey," Emeleth said in tears.

"And I shot him," David said pointing at the dead man. Buy then David was setting on the porch and his leg was really beginning to ache. David gave his statement to the sheriff as did Emeleth and Amanda.

"Am I going to jail?" Emeleth asked. She felt hollow and detached as she looked to the sheriff and then the others.

"No, you didn't break any laws. But you better get that leg taken care of David. I've always suspected foul play in your Mom's death."

"I'll take him home," Sean said tersely.

"I can operate there," the doctor said. Emeleth and Amanda just stood quietly holding each other.They had no idea were they could go. Emeleth knew she could never go back into that house and Amanda would never safe.

"I'll be needing a couple of good nurses," David said.

"But I shot you!"

"Then whose better to take care of me. Amanda your job will be to keep her away from guns."

"We can't stay with you," Emeleth objected.

"You both can share Sean's room. I'll get him one across the hall."

"I can't," Emeleth said. "We would be a burden. It would not be fair. I...can..."

"You got to, you shot me," David said sounding so reasonable and sure that Emeleth and Amanda nodded in agreement. With Sean's assistance David walked back to his room. Emeleth, Amanda and the doctor following.

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