Chapter 31 The Watchers

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So that's a castle?" Emeleth said in disbelief.

"The DeMeer Castle," David said as they rode.

"It seems a little small. I expected castles were...well huge." David laughed at the expression on her face.

"It's a folly. My great-grandfather had it built to compliment the expansive lawn and gardens. I do believe it was built on the site of the original castle."

"What do you use it for?"

"It's a folly, it really has no use, but my father has an apartment in it with a tiny library."

"I'm not sure what a folly is."

"Usually they are faux Greek ruins or towers built as landscape. I know someone who built a cave and hired a hermit to sit in it holding a skull and looking contemplative. My great-grandfather wanted a castle. Do you want to come inside?"

"Yes please," Emeleth said and the others nodded.

"I have the key. The Marquess gave it to me when he arrived from London this morning.

"I didn't know Papa was home," Jenny said.

"He was not feeling well when he got it. He delayed leaving London until after the first week of June this year. I'm sure you'll see him at dinner."

"We've only been in here a couple of times," Kim whispered.

"Keith hated the castle," David said. "I think he saw a ghost when he was five. So he just avoided the place. Come on it."

"We don't have shoes on," Emeleth said.

"Come on, it will be fine." Emeleth and the young women entered the castle slowly.

"It's beautiful," Emeleth whispered, "and kind of creepy."

"So you like the gargoyles?"

"There are so many!"

"Great-grandfather got carried away. I think Keith's ghost was a gargoyle. Come let me show you the library it's up these stairs," The small library was carpeted and had a small fireplace. It was lined with hundreds of books and held a collection of armor. "Most follies are much smaller than this and much less elaborate. Above the library are stacked two small suites of rooms, and a tiny tower room."

"I want to see the tower room!" Emeleth said and David took them up a long winding staircase. "Here it is."

"I love it." Then whispering, "We should spend a night here." David smiled at her and nodded.

"Who wants to see the dungeon?" The young women were all talking happily as the exited the castle and David locked the heavy oak doors. Then out or the corner of his field of vision he saw two men watching. They quickly moved to find cover but this alarmed David. He knew the grounds keeper and his son and those men were not from the village. He said nothing as he assisted his group of equestrians to remount and continue with their morning ride. He remained alert as they rode.

Lunch was a noisy affair held outdoors. Jenna and Pat joining the rest of the barefoot crew and their silliness. "I think the girls are being followed," he said quietly to Greg, Jerome, Nat and Sean. "So please stay alert."

"I've been meaning to speak to you regarding Manda," Jerome said. He looked a little stressed as he approached.

"I'm listening." David was watching Emeleth talking and laughing with Jenna and her twins.

"She will be seventeen in two days."

"I am aware of her birthday."

"You're not making this easy are you?" Jerome said.

"Just tell me what you want Jere and quit beating around the bush." Amanda had approached them unnoticed by David and was standing next to Jerome holding his hand.

"I want to marry Manda!"

"Why ask me?"

"You're her legal guardian."

"Have you asked her?"

"Yes he has," Amanda said. "And I said yes." David suddenly became aware of her presence. She stood next to Jerome looking resolute, no longer the timid girl she often appeared as.

"What does Em think?"

"We need you to kind of break it to her. She still thinks I'm a child."

"You are sixteen."

"For only two more days."

"I will talk to her. When do you plan to marry?"

"We already spoke to Steph and we are planning a double wedding after Em's birthday," Amanda said firmly.

"You have my blessings I'm sure Em will come around. You are both so young." David hugged Amanda.

"I'm not penniless and I have employment," Jerome said, "and I have been investing with Nat in shipping and railroads. Besides I'll be twenty-three by the time we tie the knot."

"I thought you were twenty. And you do have a large income from the estate."

"Nope I'm older than you thought, and I want to work." David hugged his brother and Amanda a second time.

"Be happy, you make a cute couple. The Marquess will approve I'm sure. He likes Em and you Manda."

Late that night Emeleth slipped into the library. She had her hair in a long braid for sleep and was wearing her night gown and robe and moved silently on bare feet. She was not surprised to find Amanda also in the room curled up in the chair buy the fireplace. "I thought I would find you here," Emeleth said softly.

"I know I've disappointed you," Amanda said close to tears.

"How, why do you think you've done that?"

"Did Davey speak to you?"

"About you and Jere?" Amanda responded with a nod and a single tear ran down her cheek. "How can I be disappointed in you for being in love? How could I want to deny you the happiness I have only so recently found?"

"So...your not mad?" Emeleth held open her arms and Amanda stood and ran to embrace her.

"You're my baby sister and I will always love you."

"I was so afraid. I love Jere and he loves me and..."

"You are so young."

"I know...are you upset?"

"No," Emeleth said and then laughed, "a little jealous perhaps. I wish Davey and I could have had more time together. But we found each other at the right time. This is obviously the right time for you."

"You think so, Em?"

"Yes I do. Be happy that is all I've wanted for you."

"I've been happy. You were always my rock, my dependable big sister."

"Buy the buy, David asked me to tell you to always be fully armed when going out, even here on the estate."


"He believes we are being followed."

"I will tell the others."

" As will I."

" We have a wedding to plan."

" You and Steph want a double wedding?"

"So Davey told you that too?"

"Yes, he is quite pleased to have you officially in the family not a mere in-law."

"We plan to announce formally at the summer solstice feast next week."

"I'll write to the twins, they will be happy for you. We need to work on the guest list. Jenna will help I'm sure."

"That will be our first experience and throwing a grand party. I'm so grateful for Jenna and Pat's help."

"The entire village is attending as well as family and friends," Amanda said.

"It will be Kim's and Jenny's first appearance no longer in black. They are really excited." 

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