Chapter 33 The Trap

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The conspirators met together in the hunting lodge. Sidney was present and gave his approval for the plan. "I'll be waiting with my giant friend in the old sod cutters cabin. Do what you will with the others, the Quaking Lake is famous for swallowing up any one foolish enough to try and cross the bog."

"We'll just slit their throats when were finished with them and throw them in the lake," Richard said. "Or maybe we can drown them like a mewing kitten." Several of the men laughed.

"Drowning will be entertaining," Steven said, "we can have them beg us for a while. 'Please, please don't drown us.'" The others laughed at Steven's female voice impersonations.

"We watched them all swim in the creek," one of the men said laughing, "they had no idea we were watching. I can't wait to have them."

"They were all swimming naked!" a second man said. "It was quite a show. I want to see them naked again."

Richard had a large map unrolled. "They like to ride through this area. It's wooded and we can hide and jump them when they stop. They like to picnic in this clearing with all those yellow flowers. We can take care of them in the woods then William and I'll take the two sisters to the cabin."

"Why do we have all the rope and those big rocks with the holes?" one of the conspirators asked.

"Anchors you stupid ass," Richard said, "to send them to the bottom of the lake forever."

"We will have the women at our disposal for the entire day." Steven said, "I get first dibs on the twins."

"You can't claim first dibs on two women," one of the conspirators complained.

"OK, I'll take seconds on one them. Hell we have five of them and all we will give them a lot of use."

"You'll need to watch and wait," Richard said. "They don't seem to follow any real pattern but if you lookouts see them ridding for this area unaccompanied use your mirrors to signal. We will be waiting. William here gets first dibs on the tall brunette, is that understood." William smiled with the statement and the others nodded.


David and Emeleth left the castle early to take breakfast and bathe in the manor house. "The grass is wet with morning dew," Emeleth said.

"Do you wish you had worn shoes?"

"No, then I'd have wet shoes. Feet dry much faster."

"Did you enjoy being Cinderella for the night?"

"My whole life has been like a Cinderella tale since I met you."

"Next time we spend the night in the castle I'll take you to the dungeon."

"Do you have any thing special in mind?" Emeleth looked at him with raised eyebrows. She looked so innocent and vulnerable he thought.

"Ropes and chains come to mind," David said with a wicked smile, " I'll have to give it some thought." Emeleth laughed in response.

"Only in your dreams cowboy. I admit sod cutters cottage was fun. Did you plan that?"

"No, not really, it was kind of serendipitous."

"You may bathe with me," Emeleth said imperiously, "after breakfast."

"Yes your highness, at your command."

Emeleth was teased mercilessly buy her sister and friends about spending the night as a prisoner in the castle. "I was not alone in my tower cell," Emeleth responded. "The prince of the castle came to me in the night. Now I'm so starving!"

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