Chapter 4 The Ulysses S. Grant Suite

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Emeleth suddenly broke into laughter. Amanda stopped working and looked at her sister in surprise. "What's so funny Em?"

"I just realized what that English cowboy did."

"He insulted you."

"No, he saved me from my dark cloud. His comment was lewd and made me angry. But he broke the spell the twins painful words put on to me. He actually did me a great kindness. He freed me from my shame."

"So what are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to give him a big kiss if we ever meet again."

"I take it you don't expect to see him. You've never kissed anyone."

"Nope, never felt the need to. I didn't even get his name. He'll be off somewhere. What do you think of these rooms?"

"I ain't never seen anything like it," Amanda said. "It's got its own private water-closet, a big brass tub with hot and cold water and two bedrooms. One is huge."

"It was just refurbished. Let's change the big bed first then we can dust then polish the tub last."

"Do you think we'll ever stay in a room like this?"

"No, but we will definitely get to clean it." The sisters began singing as they worked together. They stripped off the bed sheets and made the beds, dusted the furniture, cleaned the water closet and polished the copper tub.


David and Sean heard singing coming from their room as they approached. They were loaded down with their saddle bags and other baggage. Sean opened the door and David walked in. He was surprised to see the source of the singing.

"Well we meet again, Amanda and Emeleth," David said. "It is a pleasure."

"I never got your name cowboy," Emeleth said.

"I'm David Evans, my companion is Sean O'Brien."

"We're about finished," Emeleth said, "make yourself at home." They stood watching as the sisters piled the dirty linen and cleaning supplies in a wheeled card. Emeleth's hair had fallen free of her skull cap because of her exertions. "You have fresh towels in the cabinet. Soap and shampoo too, I can bring you shaving soap if you'd like." Then smiling brightly she walked and stood very close to David. She removed her spectacles. Her blue eyes sparkled with happiness, and looking into his eyes whispered "Thank you David Evans." Moving fast she stomped on his foot and then on tiptoe kissed his cheek. Then she turned to leave the room. She stopped at the door turned once to smile brightly and giggled as she closed the door.

"What was that?" Sean said, "I would have guessed she hated you."

"I'm just grateful."

"I saw her face good too. She has the face of an angel."

"And the shape of a siren, you were right about her hair, it's colored like an old penny."

"After I put all our stuff away I'll fill the tub for you." Sean began by emptying their saddle bags and luggage and putting things in the drawers and closet.

"You're good at talking to the servants, find out what you can about the little woman."

Later David soaked in the tub. He had a glass of brandy and a cigar with him. He could not stop thinking of Emeleth, the deep blue of her eyes, the way her nose wrinkled when she had smiled at him, the scent of her, fresh roses he thought. He touched his cheek and smiled. He could almost feel the soft touch of her lips.

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