Chapter 6 Lady Incognitus

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"I see them, going into the hat shop, over there!" David said. They crossed the road and after waiting several minutes they entered Sadie's Shop. The girls were dressed in their new dresses and putting on the wide brimmed hats Sadie had made. David was astonished by Emeleth's transformation. No longer a shapeless dowdy woman of indeterminate age she was the epitome of youthful beauty. Her copper hair was lustrous with colors, rich browns, reds and gold. She had it plaited from the crown of her head to the nap of her neck as did Amanda. The dress was white across the upper bodice with sky blue lace on the back, shoulders and upper arm. The long lace sleeves extended below her wrist. The skirt with its heavy pleats across her bottom emphasized her nicely rounded derriere and tiny waist. She had the sky blue outer skirt pinned up and either side to allow the dark blue of the underskirt to peak out.

"Em, Manda you take my breath away." The young women smiled and blushed.

"Thank you," they said.

Then David noted Emeleth's shoes. "Em, those shoes are awful, they are worn completely through on the side. Your shoes looks way to big," David said softly then added, "and Manda yours are worn beyond repair."

"Both were my mother's. I stuffed a rag in the toes so mine would fit. We will have enough for Manda's new shoes by winter."

"Please, let me get you both shoes," David said softly. Emeleth's face went bright red.

"I can't accept..."

"It's not a gift, I fully expect to be paid back. Emeleth looked suddenly suspicious.

"How would you expect repayment?"

"I was going to hire a laundress. I plan on being here for several weeks. You could work it off."

"OH please please please!" Amanda said imploringly to her sister her hands folded prayer like,. Emeleth looked into her sister's face and had to smile.

"Deal," she said. With David approval they each purchased black ankle high boots with button enclosure. The boots had moderate heels that were very stylish.

"Your hats have a veil," Sadie said as she demonstrated how to deploy and fold the veil. "With the wide brim and veil you could go about town incognito."

"Let's walk the boardwalk," David suggested, "then we can have an early dinner somewhere, your choice."

"I got all my old clothes and old shoes,"

"We can drop them off at the hotel if you don't want to go directly home. You should throw out those shoes. The sole is warn completely through."

"I patch them with cardboard," Emeleth said, "besides there still good for chores in cold weather. We wrap our feet with old rags when it gets really cold."

"You father never provided you with shoes?"

"We never had enough money," Amanda volunteered. Yes, David thought, but plenty money for drinking and gambling. David did not like the girl's Pa one bit. David and Sean carried the bundles of clothes and old shoes. They received a lot of stares as they walked first to the hotel to drop off the bundles, then as they walked along the boardwalk promenade. They visited the stockyards and the train station. Abilene had a library and they visited that too, then an area of stately mansions all painted white. The boardwalks were crowed with numerous well dressed people about. Nobody apparently recognizing them in all their new finery. With David's gentle persuasion they decided on an exclusive looking restaurant in the high class neighborhood. Under normal circumstances Emeleth would have never gained admittance into the establishment. David gave his name and his batman's to the head waiter sounding very British and listed the young women as Lady Incognitus and her sister. They had requested a privacy booth and were seated.

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