Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV:

"Kathy!" Elliot calls to his wife as he runs into the squad room behind me. He runs past me to his wife and kids as my eyes zero in on the person standing by my desk. Trevor Langan, my husband, half the secret I've been keeping from everybody except Captain Cragen and one other person.

"Where is she? Is she okay? What happened? Why didn't they call me!" I look up into Trevor's eyes and see tears brimming. He grabs my hands and gives a gentle squeeze.

"She's in with Fin and Munch. She saved Emily and Christian saved her. The guy punched her in the left eye and she's got a cut above her eye. She also has some bruising on her neck and thighs. CSU took her uniform for evidence. She also managed to scratch their attacker. And Marcy was working today so that's why you didn't get the call."

"Did he?"

Trevor shakes his head. "No."

ADA Alex Cabot walks in, "What do we have Detectives?"

She looks at Trevor and I before her gaze drops to our hands. Before she can say anything Captain Cragen emerges from his office and clears his throat. When my eyes meet his, he jerks his head in the direction of the direction of the interview room as Munch and Fin exit the room led by JJ. Trevor releases my hands as he turns to face the trio as well. Munch and Fin look at me quizzically as I squat down.


JJ's head snaps up and her eyes land on me. She takes off at a dead sprint and reaches me in seconds, damn near tackling me. I wrap my arms around her little body as she wraps hers around my neck, hiding her face in the left side of my neck. I can feel that everybody is watching us but at this moment all that matters is my daughter in my arms. I kiss her head then she pulls back, reaches up, and wipes away the tears I didn't know were falling.

"Let me look at you."

JJ drops her arms to her sides. As I've already seen her black eye and the cut above it, I gently tilt her head up to get a better look at the bruising on her neck. Based on the bruising I can tell the perp used his right hand to choke her. He also had something on his index finger. I move her a little further back and examine her thighs. There's a bruise in the shape of a handprint on her right thigh and on her left there's one that looks like it was probably made by a knee.

"Did he hurt or touch you anywhere else JJ?"

She steps forward and whispers in my ear. I nod in understanding.

"Wait here with Daddy." I wait for her to nod before standing. Trevor picks her up as I walk over to Cragen.

I lower my voice before speaking. "She said he touched her between her legs but over her underwear."

Cragen runs a hand down his face and sighs deeply, he thinks of JJ like a granddaughter so this is almost as hard for him as it is for Trevor and I. When he sees the look on my face he shakes his head.

"You know you can't work this case Liv, you're personally involved."

"He put his hands on my baby! I want five minutes with him when he's caught."

"You got it."

I nod and go back over to Trevor and JJ and she immediately reaches out for me. I take her and place her on my left hip.

"I'm proud of you JJ."

She cocks her head to the side and in that moment she looks like Trevor when he's questioning the validity of an argument.

"Why? Emily still got hurt."

I push a lock of hair behind her ear. "Yes she still got hurt but you tried to save her. That's more than most kids your age would do."

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