Energy Drinks

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Mark didn't get home from DWTS rehearsal until nearing midnight. He frowned through his tired gaze at the gentle blue light that bled from behind a door.

"(Y/N)?" Mark asked, cracking open the door that lead to your shared bedroom.

"Yeah?" You asked, your body gently swaying back and forth.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, gently touching your shoulder.

"Yeah! Fine." You perked up almost immediately.

Mark frowned, his eyebrows furrowing together. "Why're you acting so weird?"

You followed Mark's gaze to the large RedBull can on your nightstand.

"Honey..." Mark coaxed. He lifted the bottle that only had about a third of its contents left.

"What?" You asked, slowly feeling your energy crash come down.

"This stuff'll kill you." Mark commented.

You frowned, your jaw dropping as you found a lost for words when you felt the weight of your laptop lift off of your thighs.

"Mark!" You whined. "I need to get this work done!"

"(Y/N), you won't get any work done if your heart explodes." He slightly joked.

You frowned. "I don't want to sleep. I have to do this."

Mark rubbed your cheek with his thumb, pulling you into his lap. "(Y/N), I love you. I don't like seeing you work this hard. And I don't like you seeing chugging these huge energy drinks. Those aren't good for you."

You sighed, knowing he was right. Your energy spike finally completely crashed. You felt exhausted.

"Let's get us both to bed, okay?" Mark coaxed.

You nodded against Mark's shoulder as he kissed the back of your head.

"Thank you." Mark stood up, letting you get comfortable under the covers. He picked up the two-thirds empty RedBull can to go throw away in the kitchen.

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