Strong People Shatter Too

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You don't even know what just happened.

It was all a blur.

The yelling, the accusations of petty things, the shattered plate on the tile floor that neither of you had cleaned up yet.

But the one thing that remains clear in that blur: the fact that you never cried.

You don't cry in front of Val. You never have and you never plan to.

After your fight, you run back into the room you two share and buried yourself under the covers.

You pretended to be asleep as Val came into the room.

Out of pure habit, he wrapped his arms around your waist and settled in his gentle hold on you.

You waited until he was completely asleep to let your tears fall.

You were as quiet as possible with your sobbing, but a few too loud sobs later, and you began to feel Val moving out of his sleep next to you.

"Hey, Babe? Are you alright?" His accent filled your ears. "Come here." Val took your arm and carefully turned you to face him.

You shook your head as a few more sobs escape your lips.

You desperately try to run out of the bedroom, as you begin to cry more, but Val wouldn't let you go.

"Babe," Val tightened his grip on your waist. Not painfully tight at all, just safe and secured tight. "I'm not mad at you." He reassured you, reading your facial expressions in the dim moonlight streaming in from the window.

You just keep sobbing. You don't know why you can't stop. To be honest, you think you're crying about everything you've been holding in the past three years with Val. All the times you didn't cry.

Still, you're trying to get your way out of his hold on you, and eventually, you did.

After dashing to the add on bathroom inside of the bedroom you and Val share, you hear Val's footsteps behind you.

"What are you doing this for?" He asked, kneeling down beside you.

"Y-You c-can't see m-me like t-this!" You force out, as your breath becomes more punctuated due to how much crying you've been doing.

"Why not, Love? Why can't I see you cry?" Val asked quiety before kissing your knuckles.

You take a deep breath to relax yourself before you begin to speak to your boyfriend. "Because I'm, I’m supposed to be strong."

"Darling, you're one of the strongest people I know. Even strong people cry, seriously."

"Well, I've never seen you cry. Or Sharna cry. Or Emma. Or Maks--"

"Babe, I don't think our parents have seen Maks cry." Val said with a chuckle. "But continue."

"None of these people I've come to know as family, none of those people ever saw me cry, and I planned to never cry in front of you. I hate seeming weak!"

"Crying doesn't make you weak, Darling. You have real life emotions because you're human."

"I get that, but you weren't supposed to see me like this!"

"Tell me why? Please, Love, your logic is kind of flawed."

"Because you're Valentin Chmerkovskiy!"

"So?" He asked, bridal style carrying you back to the bed.

"You're like the King of never showing emotions. And my walls just break in front of people, then they'll think that you choose me to be your girlfriend out of just pity or something, I know how the media works, V."

"You do, eh? Well so do I, and I think that nobody is going to think that of you." He kissed your lips.

"But, Val, I..." You stopped yourself before you started crying again.

"What, Love?"

"Just, just go back to sleep, we both need it."

He laid both of you down, his hands still around your waist.

"Not until I know for a fact that you're okay."

"Val, I'm okay, I promise you."

"Alright, My Love." He gave your forehead a kiss before adjusting back to his hold on your waist.

"I love you." You say quietly, as a few more tears slip from your eyes and soak into your pillow.

"I love you more." Val said before falling asleep.

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