Stage Blocking

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You were signed onto the troupe of Dancing With The Stars for the Winter tour.

They've doubled the tour, so there's twice as many stops as before, which was fun because you got more time to hang around the cast. You were in all the group dances, and you had three separate dances with Alan, those being a rumba, waltz, and a jive.

You were at the Houston, Texas stop for the first stop of the whole tour. You pulled on your dress for the rumba and zipped it up the back before going on stage to block before house opened.

"Good luck, Laur! You'll kill it!" Sharna yelled as you ventured into the wings and onto the stage.

"You too, Shar!" You called back and blew a kiss.

You made your way onto stage to be greeted by Mandy and Alan, and you started blocking the rumba. After you had blocked all three dances, you and Alan were sent off to lunch.

Alan chose to go to Panera Bread Company, right down the street from the theater.

"Thank you." You said as he handed you your plate and pulled the chair from under the table for you.

"Of course." He smiled and sat across from you. "So, it's your first tour, eh?"

You nod, taking a sip of the drink you had ordered.

"How are you feeling about it?" Alan asked.

"I'm feeling a lot more nervous than I am willing to admit." You chuckled lightly.

"Nervous? I wouldn't be nervous with all that talent you have. It isn't like you're going to mess anything up. You're borderline perfect."

"Perfect?" You snickered. "You think I'm perfect?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Alan picked up both plates and put them up as directed in the restaurant. He came back to the table and helped you with your coat. "Ready?"

"Yep." You start out the door, and in less than five minutes, you're both back at the theater.


Show nerves always got to you. Always. Your rumba with Alan was to go on stage in two minutes. You've been watching one of the pros dances between Lindsay and Artem, which probably wasn't helping because they were just so amazing.

For the dance, you and Alan started in opposite wings and then met in the middle of the stage to start the dance. He glanced over to the wing you were standing in across the stage, seeing your nervous movements.

"Excuse me." He maneuvered around Keo and some tech guys and bolted behind the stage.

"Lauren!" He whisper-yelled to get your attention.

"What are you doing back here?! Go to your side! We're on in almost a minute!" You scolded him.

"I know, but look at me. You're going to be absolutely amazing, give yourself some credit." Alan kissed your cheek and bolted back behind the stage to get to his side just in time for his cue.

The music started and so did your rumba only seconds later. "You got it, Babe." He whispered to you as the stage lights were cued on and the audience saw you two. "Love you."

"Love you too." You whisper back before you can realize what you just said.

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