Hey, Do You Have A Minute?

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You grip the steering wheel as if your life depends on it.

Your hands shake uncontrollably as you open the door.

Val must have heard the door open because the next thing you know, he's running towards you.

"Hey, Babe!" He kisses your head.

"Hi." You say with no emotion to your voice.

"Are you okay?"

"Kind of..." Your voice trails off.

Val takes your hand and walks with you up the stairs.

"Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm right here, alright?"

You nod in response.


You don't speak up about what was bothering you until two days after Val noticed a slight alteration in your behavior.

"Hey, Val, do you have a minute?"

"Of course, Babe."

"My partner this season..."

"Your partner what?"

"He kept telling me that I was worthless, and unfaithful to our relationship, and..." You shake your head.

"Love, look at me."

You don't move. You don't want him to see you cry.

"Look at me!" He said more harsh than before.

You look up, not showing your whole face, but you can see his.

He takes a finger and lifts your chin up.

"He can't do that to you. We're in week eight, how long has this been going on?"

"Since the day we met." You confess.

"Babe, why didn't you tell someone before."

"I shouldn't even be telling you." You whisper.

"Why can't you tell me? What, did he threaten you if you told anyone?"

You nod. "He said he would find any way to get the producers to cut me or suspend me or get me off ABC at all costs."

Val thought hard about this.

"I'll get him!"

"No, Val, then we'll both be in trouble with ABC, don't do it."

You never realized how much he looked like his brother when he acted like that.

"Yes, I will be, but it also will be the last time anyone - especially a student - disrespects my girlfriend!"

You sit there on the couch as he grabs a hoodie and runs out the door to wherever he was going.

You sit there and think "Now I wish he didn't have the minute."

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