Shutting Out and Shutting Up

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You begin washing dishes from the meal that both you and Alan were supposed to share as kind of a "Welcome back from tour!" two-person party.

Supposed to.

You sigh once you're through, praying he'll be back soon.

You do a bit of scrolling through Instagram when you see multiple pictures of him kissing the cheek and forehead of a fan, but you shrug it off because he's just adorably affectionate like that.

That's just Alan.

You wish you stopped yourself when you kept scrolling, because you saw a picture of him and the same girl just posing for a meet and greet photo, but something about his smile and his look in his eyes

His eyes were just as sparkly as when you first told him, "I love you".

This was not okay.

"Hi, Love." Alan came in and gave you a kiss.

You didn't kiss him back.

"Are you alright?" He asked, incredibly angered by your action.

"No, I'm not alright!" You grab a jacket and keys, because looking him in the eye right about now was not a task you'd like to do.

"Hey!" He says harshly, putting his hand on your wrist.

"No, Alan! I can't do this!" You shake your hand off his grip

"You can't do what?!" He almost yells.

"THIS!" You quickly run out of the apartment and go Sharna's apartment.


Honestly, Sharna's your best friend, you just walked into her apartment, I mean, and if it's locked the spare key is in a little compartment behind a flower pot.

"BURGESS!" You yell throughout the apartment.

"What's up?" She asked, coming around the corner of the room.

"So, okay, Alan's most likely cheating on me with a freaking fan from a meet and greet." You yell the last half of your sentence.

"VAL!" Sharna yelled.

"Yeah, Princess?"

"I need you to go kill Alan." Sharna said.

"Alright, when and why?"

"I really love how he just goes with it." You say, starting to feel a bit better.

"Oh, he is cheating on Lauren with a fan." Sharna nodded.

"Like a DWTS fan?"

"NO, A BACHELOR FAN, VAL! WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB?" Sharna playfully slapped his chest.

"Fair point."

Soon enough your phone starts ringing.


"Nah, I'm letting it go." You say, turning off your phone.

You continue the night, just hanging out with Sharna and Val, distracting you from your fight.

Your phone starts ringing for about the billionth time tonight.

You almost didn't answer it until you realize it was a hospital calling.

"Hello?" You take the call, crossing over into the bathroom so you can hear the call.

"I'm calling for a Lauren Michaels."

"This is she."

"Okay, so Alan Bersten put you down as his emergency contact, and we need you to come in, he's been emitted to our hospital."

"I'll be right over, thank you."

"Of course, drive safely."

"I will, thank you."

You step back into the room the other two were in and blink back tears.

You explain the situation, and Val agrees to drive you to the hospital.

"Hi, I'm here for an Alan Bersten." You say, rushing to the receptionist desk.

"Room 207, are you family?"

"Yes," Val spoke up because you're still in a fairly shocked state. "She's his girlfriend, and we’re," He gestured to Sharna and himself. "Basically family."

"Right this way." She nodded and led us to a room.

"Laur, do you want to...?" Sharna asked, seeing the closed door.

"I have to do this myself."

Right as you step into the room you see your boyfriend connected to all these machines and devices.

Your breath is quickly robbed from you as you kneel down beside the bed.

"Alan, I...I know I can't take back what I said, and I know you probably weren't cheating, it was just my poor judgement, and I..." Tears run a marathon down your cheeks as your confessions were cut off by a long beep.


In an emotional panic you rush over to the doctor. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, please, please, please, can you bring him back, please?!"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, we can't."

"But I loved him! You have to tell me why he just died in front of me!"

"Alcohol poisoning. There were beyond dangerous levels of alcohol in his system that we couldn't cleanse in time. I'm so very sorry." The young doctor takes you into a hug, and you look back at Alan, giving his lips a kiss.

You slowly walk out of the office, you needed to breathe for a hot second.

"Babe..." Val says, seeing your smudged makeup.

"I'm the reason!" You cry into Val's shoulder. "I'M LITERALLY THE REASON HE DRANK HIMSELF TO DEATH! I KILLED MY BOYFRIEND!" You yell through tears.

A split second later, the doctor comes back outside and asks to talk to Sharna, seeing your current state.

"Alright, there's a one in a million chance that if we try techniques from a new Yale medical study. Would you like us to at least attempt it?"

"Yes, Ma'am, please. Please at least try."

"Alright." She nodded and went back to the hospital room.

"Val!" You exclaim, still wrapped in his arms. "Take me to the pier!" You almost command.

"Oh my gosh, Lauren, no! I know what you're thinking, no!" He says back to you.

Sharna quickly runs over and fills Val in on what the doctor said.

"Laur, they're going to try to bring him back." Val coaxes into your ear.

"Really?" You mumble into his now soaked-in-tears hoodie sleeve.

"Really." He reassuringly repeats your question and kisses the top of your head.

Moments later, the doctor comes back.

"Ma'am, we couldn't bring him back. I'm terribly sorry."


Hey, SharnaSlays, I hope you liked it!

I apologise for how depressing it was. I'll rewrite it happier if you'd like, just message me.

dwts_ballerina 💕

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