Honeymoon Phase

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You two started in the honeymoon phase. You know, the phase where every love song is about you two, and every kiss you share tastes like pure sugar.

That was until you started seeing texts and messages appear on his phone.

"She's just a partner!" Alan yelled, defending his side. "She's nervous, this is new for her, I'm just being nice!"

"I understand that, but this is...this!" You shouted, losing authority in your claim because you were so mad.

"Do you really, Lauren?! Do you really understand this? Because if you did, you wouldn't be taking this so far out of proportion!" He shouts once more. You started leaving the room. You couldn't stand to see his face, hear his voice, you couldn't stand to be near him. Alan followed after you. "You're not leaving until we figure this out!"

"You're not telling me what to do!" You snap and retreat up the stairs, shutting yourself away from him until later that night.


Alan came up the stairs that night late. Like way past a normal bedtime kind of a late, looking for you. You'd seen no sight of each other for the better part of the last four hours. He started in your shared bedroom, seeing nothing more of you than the heels you had discarded there earlier; before you saw the messages. He traveled down the hall to the guest bedroom. If you were hiding out anywhere, that's where you'd be. "Laur?" He asked, cracking the door to  the room open.

You two locked eyes for a split second until your eyes darted away. They didn't leave for too long, seeing as they began follow his eyes on their track around the room. You froze when his eyes came to the ring on the nightstand. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You rambled as your eyes filled with tears.

He stared at the wedding ring. His throat instantly went dry. "Where does this leave us?"

"I-I don't know." You shook your head and covered your face with your hands.

Alan sat on the bed next to you. "I don't know either." He grabbed the ring and slipped it back on your finger. "But we'll figure it out."

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