The Takeover

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Cardiff International Arena

Ryan does his warm up at gorilla position, fully dressed with his ring attire. His ring attire was similar to Matt Riddle, with vale tudo shorts, bare footed and MMA gloves on his hands. While he was doing his warm up, the producer Jim Smallman and Matt Bloom approached to him.

"All right kid. We will introduce you as 'Ryan Riley' The Man of Million Holds. Sounds like Dean's (Malenko) nickname, but you've got more than that" Matt Bloom said.

"Sounds good, coach. Hey, I've got the name for my finisher. It's called Destiny Lock"

Jim and Matt nodded, "Brilliant! Now focused on your match. Even though this is just a Dark Match, you need prove yourself out there. Remember the plan, keep it clean, and bring it home, good luck!" Matt Bloom said and he shook Ryan's hand.

"Thanks coach! Thanks Jim!" Ryan said and his entrance music played on the Arena.

Ryan slapped his cheek with his own hands then he took deep breath before he walked to the curtain.

"I got this, I got this" He murmured.


15 minutes later

Ryan and Marcel were doing back and forth with some trading punches, the crowd goes Boo and Yeah chants while they were trading punches. Marcel slapped Ryan very hard that made Ryan staggered. Marcel then ran to the rope and went for Clothesline. Ryan ducked right in time then he kicked Marcel on the leg, very hard, the crowd could hear the sound effect from the kick.

Ryan then wrapped his arms around Marcel's hips and then Destiny Lock!

Marcel was holding in for 5 seconds before he taps. "Here is your winner, The Man of Million Holds, Ryan Riley!"

Ryan music played moments after, then the referee raised up his hands. The crowd was clapping their hands, because it was good match even it just an unaired match. Ryan jumped out from the ring then shook some fan's hands in his way back to the backstage.

"What a match kid, what a match!" Matt Bloom said then he shook Ryan hands. Some of the NXT UK's talent were also gave him standing ovation.

"Appreciate that guys! Thank you very much!" Ryan said.

Ryan then took some ice and bottle of drinks because he swelled so much in his whole body. He took the packed of ice then he put it on his chest that got purple.

"That was a hell of match" Toni said and helped Ryan with some ice on his back.

"I deserved that" Ryan the rested his body on nearby bench. "How you doing? Are you ready?" Ryan asked.

"I always ready, it's Toni Time" She giggled. She continued to put the ice on Ryan's body. She was starring around to Ryan's body that really athletic and muscular, even he was not some big man like other talents and that turned her on.

"Hello?" Ryan realized that Toni starred to his body.

She turned her starring to somewhere else, and her face turned into red. "I'm sorry, this is your ice. I need to talk to Jim for moments." She chuckled.

"Okay, I guess? Anyway, good luck on your match" Ryan took the pack of the ice from Toni's hands.

She smiled then touched Ryan's shoulder softly. "Thank you" She said then she went back to the Gorilla position to have conversation with the producer.

"She pushed the ice too damn hard, I'll be damned" He moaned to himself.


End of Toni's Match

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