Chapter 7: A Bat in the night

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Chapter 7: A Bat in the night

Written by: VinylScratch7

You have entered the stadium where every student was to go for the meeting, you notice thancred was looking around and you got curious.

"What up Thancred?" You ask.

"Nothing master, is just this youngsters are going to become Huntsmen and Huntress and now they're relaxed and not fearing what will come when they step into the real world," Thancred said making you look at the students.

The word 'Real-world' hits your thought and you could hear your mother screams while your father hits the ground with a bullet hole in his chest. the criminal had a smirk on his face while killing them and spared you knowing this moment he probably made a big mistake of his life. Day and night you feel the gunshot echoes through your head while you replay over and over again the events of that night, you suffered a lot throughout those years but now your here and don't want anybody to suffer the same fate as you.

"I've already stepped into the real world eight years ago, i can tell that much thancred" You said while looking towards you butler knowing what you meant.

Right around the corner of your eye, you notice a familiar red and white girls who apparently are having a discussion once more. Then you notice the blonde girl and you quickly recognized her from the night of the club.

"Great..." You said under your breath.

"Is something a matter sir?" Thancred asks until he notices what you were looking "Oh my...master isn't that."

"Yeah don't remind me....but it's strange not long ago she was in Juniors club and i thought she was one of his entertainers." You said while keep looking at the group.

"Maybe is wise to stay away from them master." Thancred said.

As you were about to agree with your butler, your scroll vibrated from your pocket and you place a earpiece in your ear, knowing who it was.

"Cindy?" You said but you didn't receive a response.

"Cindy?" You call out again but nothing.

"I'm not going to respond until you call me by my nickname when we're "working" " She said getting you to facepalm by knowing what she meant.

You sigh "Speak Oracle" Getting a giggling sound from the call.

"Okay listen here boss, I've been researching the download you send me from Professor computer and I've encounter some interesting information in here." This caught your curiosity.

"And?" You said.

"Well apparently he had a file pin Name the Silver eyed warrior and when i open the folder it shows a student name Ruby Rose" You slowly look towards Ruby who was still having a conversation with Weiss.

"And why is he interested on a fifteen year old girl?" You said.

"No clue yet but get this, while keep searching he has some eyes on another student also." Oracle said.

"And that is?" You question again.

"Pyrrah Nikos."

"Hm..Anything else?" You said.

"At the moment nothing, they're a lot of files this professor has in here. I'll keep looking if anything. Oracle out."

You look at your butler and both of you sighed "Well im going to look in towards the commotion" You said while thancred nodding and waiting for your return when done.

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