Chapter 19: Ice Queen and Her Dark Knight PT 5

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Chapter 19: Ice Queen and Her Dark Knight PT 5

You came out of the sewers looking around for no one to be around, climbing out you continue your way towards the Ivy room that was in the second floor in the girls dormitory. As you made your way you notice a pack of students in the middle of the entrance, you raised your head and saw an opening above. You equip your grappling hook and shot it in the roof making yourself to launch upwards and land on the roof. As you ran towards your location you've stop immediately and spotted something horrifying.

"Ivy what have you done.." You said as you saw Academy full of vines and zombified Students.


The sound of magic was heard and Professor Goodwitch was holding off the horde of students that was attacking her and Ozpin. Ozpin was leading the way towards his office and notice another pack of horde blocking their way.

"Professor!" Goodwitch said as she was holding them off best that she could.

"Hm interesting." Ozpin said as he pointed his long memory weapon and was getting ready for a battle.

Bit by bit they we're getting surrounded by the students and was ready for a last stand, but until they stop and stare at them, they suddenly clear a path for someone walking their way, it was Poison ivy with a huge grin in her face.

"Ms Lilian!" Goodwitch said after suddenly getting caught by her vine and lifting her up.

"Its Poison Ivy now, professor." She said as she pulled her closer to her and blew a puff towards Goodwithc making her cough and making her eyes glow turning her one of the zombified pack.

She let her down with the rest and Ivy look down at Ozpin. "Do you like the new me Professor" She said showing her self.

Ozpin didnt say a word until he was Immediately grasp up in the air and came closer to Ivy. "Miss Lilian, stop this right now before is too late" Ozpin said getting her to smirk "I can still help you"

"I dont need helping professor but i do need help on something and you can help" ivy said.

She was smiling until it disappeared when her plants was talking to her saying "We got an unwanted bat in my room" She said turning around "How about you girls get rid of him for me" Ivy said revealing Blake, Ruby and Yang undercontrol by her.

"Yes mistress" They said while they headed their way towards your location.

"Now..about that help you offered Ozpin"


You made it towards the window of Ivy room, you carefully look inside to see if their was no one in sight, apparently the cost was clear. You slowly open the window and got in. You analyze the room and look for the plant.

You notice it laying in the table. The blue glowing liquid was coming out of the plant getting yourself to take a sample and place it in a capsule, after your job was done. You heard loud footstep coming your way, making yourself hide in the dark.

"Over here, we can hide here!!" A female voice was heard barging in and you see three students coming in.

"I think we're safe here" She said.

You recognize them they were in Jaune team, The amazonian Pyrrah Nikos, the Quirky girl Nora Valkyrie and her childhood bestfriend Lie Ren.

"What is going on Pyrrah" Nora said.

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