Chapter 29: Took ill on Thursday PT IV

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Chapter 29: Took ill on Thursday PT IV

Written by: VinylScratch7

The full moon was shining down on you and Ruby and the two of you were, top of the tree looking over the small town where you and the team fought the monster known as Solomon Grundy, You wouldnt need to be no detective to figure out where grundy is and the old man. The moment you scouted the town. You spotted the old man who next to grundy.

"There he is!" Ruby whisper towards you while you had your eyes towards the monster.

"Alright ruby listen i want you to stay hidden" You say while you point towards the direction where you want Ruby.

"Okay? But what about you?" She says while you stood up and smile.

"Im going to be bait." You said getting ruby to stand up and stare at you.

"What?! Your going fight them alone!" Ruby said.

"No not alone, you will provide me back up, I Just need to ask the old man a question" You said.

"Why?! you dont need to ask them anything, especially that thing, he got next to him" Ruby said while you look at her for moment.

You walk past Ruby without saying a word and she was about to protest but didnt say a word and waited for the signal you will give out.

As you face away from Ruby you walk directly towards the town "Hey!" You Screamed at the two while they both turns towards you.

"Ah well well i thought we would of have to hunt you down in the swamp." He said getting you to stop.

"Sorry to dissapoint you" You said while you were fixated on the hellish zombie.

"So you must be Y/N L/N, Famous rich boy" The Old man said while walking towards you.

You inturrupted him by pointing at Grundy "How you rise someone who was already dead." You said getting him to stop and look at grundy.

"Heheheh" He looks back at you "I didnt raise that corpse brat, i found it." He said getting you too raise an eyebrow.

"See im a useless bum who doesnt have a home and in all my life i was living here, in this abandon village." He said looking around himself.

"While i was living here, i heard banging in the village bank, but of course, i came to investigate it, it might of been another bum like myself living here. but"

"But?" You repeat.

"I found him" He said looking at the glorious Grundy. "I was scared at first but he was just staring at me and continue banging at the vault. so my instict was saying he might of wanted something inside there. 

"So how you manage to open a vault?" You said.

"Oh but i didnt, you see. as you i was about to talk to it, some group of Huntsmen and Huntress came in this area finding some loot." 

"Loot?" You question.

"Yes, as soon they saw me, they wouldnt give me a chance to speak for myself, they only said 'Shit that old geezer wants the treasure of Cyrus gold!' he said to me, after that they started attacking me and grundy."

"Before i could dodge, grundy here took the huntsmen by the neck and snap him like a tig," I was scared of my life but then the other shooting and striking at grundy but nothing seems to face him. but before i knew it. everyone of them were dead." 

"...." You were silent while hearing his story.

"After all the fighting some idiot fired a dust at grundy creating a huge explosion a hole in the vault, seems that steel vault was acient that a simple attack could breach it."

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