Chapter 22: Fear PT 2

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Chapter 22: Fear PT 2

written by: VinylScratch7

In your mind while walking directly towards the classroom, you were having thoughts about who is behind the venom, wishing you could keep working on it, but knowing that Y/N L/N needed to be in class at the moment. Entering the class room you notice the class has already started and by entering the class you interrupted the whole section getting everyone even your team to look at you.

"Ah nice knowing you could join us Mister L/N" The Professor said with a venom tone while looking at you.

"Im sorry Professor, i kinda overslept. See i was in my office working-" The Professor interrupted you.

"Excuses excuses, please take your seat before i change my mind and send you to the principle office." The Professor said.

You nodded and quickly took your seat next to your team mates. "Now students who can tell me of the definition of Fear" the professor said.

Someone raises their hand and he point out one of the students. "an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat." The professor claps.

Getting everyone in the room to jump, minus you. "Thats is correct miss velvet. Students the term we study is psychology of fear, you students will bump into this eventually when all of you become officially Huntsmen and Huntress" The professor explains while he walks around.

"Now..theres is alot to be scared off. Does anyone in this room, feel afraid of scared?" He said getting everyone to nodded knowing that his classroom isnt afraid."

"Please im not going to be scared at anything." This caught the professor's attention, he quickly looks at Cardin Winchester, team leader of CDRL.

The professor laughs "Oh and why's that Mr Winchester?" The professor said while walking slowly towards him.

You kept staring at the professor while noticing he pulls out something. "Students please know that we all are humans and that fear- that nameless dread that grips a person when thoughts of terror runs through his or hers mind!" He said while he was face to face with cardin.

He smiles at the student and quickly pulls out his huntsman weapon form as a pistol and pointed at him getting him to be stiff. "Notice this gun! Cardin im pointed at you, you wouldn't be afraid since your protected by your aura, but this is not any typical gun, this gun is customizable while it can penetrate any shield even an aura."

The whole class was silent while Cardin was stiff and sweating alot while hearing that "Your crazy" Cardin says.

"No Mr Winchester im not crazy. Im teacher, everyone in this room is afraid of knowing what could happen if i pulled the trigger while aiming in your head, also to trigger the fear. I can do this" He quickly points at a wall and shoots rapidly, getting everyone in the room to jump and scream while hearing the blast over and over. One Vase broke and flew one part slightly cutting velvet cheek, getting her to slightly to bleed.

While you, on the other hand, were remembering that night with your parents. Everything was silent and everyone looked at Cardin who urinated himself.

"Now you see what the gun can do. It can destroy before you only guessed what it could do, now that you have seen, that my students is simple Psychology"

the bell rings and everyone quickly walks out the classroom, except you and your team who they apparently are waiting for you.

"Hey Y/N want to hang out?" Yang said, getting the rest to look at you.

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