Chapter 23: Fear PT 3

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Chapter 23: Fear PT 3

Written by:VinylScratch7

It was broad daylight and you were in your room, analyzing the data you collected through the day, apparently you came out with nothing. Thancred came in your room and gave u a cup of tea, while noticing the files of your professor.

"Did you found out something sir?" Thancred said while looking at your mess.

"No i only found that he graduated in Beacon and some other useless information." you said getting up and press a button under the desk accessing the cave.

"I think i need to investigate even further for more information about him.." You said going down to the cave seeing Cindy in the computer.

Thancred follows behind and closes the access door through the cave. "Im guessing your going to investigate his academy for more information." Thancred said getting you to nod at him.

Cindy turns around and stretch while seeing you coming down "Oh hey Y/N any luck?" She said while looking at you going directly going to your suit.

Your suit was located in a Pod where you kept it for Cindy to fix it and give a short tweak.

Opening it let out a steam and you quickly put it on, getting your bat logo to glow and you were setting up to go.

"Sir and where do think your going?" Thancred said. While watching you walk towards something

"Atlas Academy" You said going towards something that was covered up and later was stop by cindy.

"Oh no you dont!" Cindy said. "She's is not ready yet, i need to do something other tweaks but you aint taking her."

You sigh in Defeat and got and idea. "Get my Personal Bullhead." You said putting on your helmet.

Getting Thancred to sigh and went upstairs to get ready for your journey.


It was middle of the night and Team RWBY was Fast asleep, well all except Blake Belladonna, who she was looking at the files that ozpin had earlier yesterday. Blake Successfully took the files that you and Ozpin look over and she saw the horrifying thing in it.

"Knowing this, Blake knew that you couldnt do it alone, but not knowing where you were going is a whole new question. She sighs and something told her. To contact you. So she got up and gear up and went towards the roof where the signal is.


Blake arrived at the roof and saw the signal as soon she was about to signal you "You know that is not a toy." You voice scared her and turn around quickly and notice you standing behind her.

"I needed to you.." Blake said getting you to look at her.

"Talk" You said.

" working on another case..are you...." Blake Said getting you to walk away from.

"I Reccomend you to go back to bed and let me deal with this, ive put you girls enough trouble at it is" You said as soon you were going to go directly towards your Bullhead. The Faunus stop you.

"Wait! You knew i was a faunus and you save my team multiple time already. But everytime i encounter or see you. Your like a different person." She said "Y/N..."

This Shocks you when you quickly turn around to her "So is really is you" She said.

"How did you.." You were about to say but she interrupted you.

"It wasnt that always late for class and you are never around during the night and your butler was making excuses after excuses. So I connected all the dots and then i knew." Blake Said.

"Blake go back to your dorm" You said.

"And what then?! I see you helping the school and the city..for what?" Blake said "Your facing dangerous people of this world, their not grimm, there actuall people who might find you and kill you and your family."

"Family...heh" You last said while jumping off getting Blake to run and look down to only to see you nowhere to be seen.

Blake was not going to stop there, she quickly goes down the building and before she could ran outside, she spotted someone infront of her.

"He's heading to Atlas, go to the nearest heliport. His personal Bullhead is over this location." Thancred said revealing himself to her.

"..." Blake didnt say anything but to ran pass him and went directly outside to quickly go to the nears heliport where your bullhead is located before you were gone.

Thancred Looks at Blake after she disappeared, Cindy shows herself and looks at him "Why you did that, you know that his going get mad."

"Master Cindy, have you notice" Thancred said without taking his eyes off the door.

"Notice what?" Cindy ask.

"That Master Y/N seems lonely and is becoming someone else." Thancred said.

Getting the room silence and getting Cindy to sighed knowing what he meant by that.


Hours Later, You arrived at Atlas and left you Bullhead Camofladge in the nearest building close to the Academy. You spotted the sign of the Academy saying "Atlas Academy" You quickly went over there and broke in.

As you entered the building, you spotted Guards doing their nightly patrol.

"Hey have you heard about rumours about a Man dress as bat in the city of vale" One old guard said.

"Oh knock it off, that just one is craziest enough to be dressing up as a bat." The Younger Guard said.

"No no is true"

"Yeah yeah..."

As soon as they passed by you quietly went towards the record room and started to look for Your professor File and then you found it.

"Hm.." You open the file and started to read it.

"You know this is Breaking and Entering" Blake said getting you to ignore her.

"And you know i specifically told you to go back to your dorm" You said looking at her.

"You need help, im your team mate and you might get killed!" She said.


"Hey do you hear something?" The Young Security said opening the record room and flashing the light towards you blocking Blake from him.

"LEAVE NOW!" You shout at him getting him scared and running away from the room.

"Lets go" You said getting Blake To follow you and open the window and jump outside from it.

The Two of you manage to get out and went to a secure rooftop, you quickly look at Blake. "Your going to tag along but not because i want you to, is because there no way for you to go back and The Professor Apartment is nearby from hear." You said getting you give Blake the file getting her to look at it.

"Where going to give a House Call to Professor Crane" You said getting your self to start moving, getting Blake to follow behind.

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