my mind is tired

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have you ever tried to put up a barricade against the flood of thoughts in your mind?

Frantically searching for any distraction from the thoughts begging to be listened to.

My stubborn heart refuses to listen. I'll hold on as long as my barricade holds.
But soon I know the inevitable will come, the barricade will crack,
then smash
And all the thoughts I have desperately been avoiding will flood every crevice of my mind.

Thoughts of unfinished conversations, ways I could've acted, things I should've done, people's opinions of me, my own selfishness, the future, the past, my regrets of today,
The thoughts keep coming and I cannot stop them, my overwhelmed mind knows I need to rest but rest has become a stranger. I naively have tolerated the thoughts of the past and now they have dominated my present.

How can I ever regain the space that was once mine? The mind that I used to hope, to dream, to create, to explore.
It is tired.

My mind is so tired.

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