messy hope

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I'm so scared I'll be disappointed
I can't help hoping
I'm a hoper
It's good and bad
Mostly good (I think)

My mind tries to tell my heart not to hope in fragile things
But my heart rarely listens to my mind
Is that bad for me
I don't know

But the question I always come back to is
Is it better to hope and be disappointed or to not hope at all
I guess it's not hope that's good or bad
Rather what I hope in
Things are all grey these days
It's not clear what's good and bad
It's not clear what is good to put your hope in

H o p e
It's not as pure and simple as it seems

Despite all my cloudy thoughts
One thing I know
One thing my mind and heart agrees on
Is this
Hope in the Maker of hope

He will never disappoint
He won't disappoint me. 

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