moment by moment

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is it bad to dwell in feelings?

I can't tell which is worse:
to let feelings go unchecked and bury them deeper and deeper until I forget I ever felt that way,
to dwell in the feeling, analyse it and think of all the reasons why I might feel that way and what I should do about it.

Both leave my mind feeling confused.

Both damage my relationships with others as I find myself unwillingly pulling away becoming a shadow of who I once was.

The worst thing is I don't know why.

I don't know why I feel empty.
I don't know why I feel nothing.
I don't know why
And I wish I did.

Maybe my mind is just in the fog and soon it will become clear. Maybe this is just a season.

For now
I will rest
I will be at peace
Knowing my mind is securely held in my Maker's hands. And there's no safer place to be.
There's no safer place to be.

I will emerge from my mind, keeping  my ears awake to the gentle whispering to take each moment at a time.

Moment by moment, I will live life moment by moment.

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