recipe for disaster (layer cake)

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LAYER ONE: Place 3 awkward glances, 2 shy half-smiles, and 1 clumsy introduction in a bowl. Stir haphazardly and add 4 cups of nerves and 9 tablespoons of awe. Allow ingredients to settle, then combine 75 minutes of get-to-know-you conversation and 1 1/2 cups of coffee and heat for 30 seconds. Add mixture to other bowl and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle 2 freshly exchanged phone numbers and 1 excited goodbye on top. Bake for 25 minutes. Lay on cake dish.

LAYER TWO: In another bowl, prepare 9,143 text messages, 226 phone calls, and 33 dates. Place 7 romance movies, 4 chick-flicks, 8 comedies, and 2 tear-jerkers in mixing cup and melt in microwave. Slice 3 Italian, 3 Mexican, and 6 fast food restaurants into strips and coat each in 2 nights spent throwing up because of food poisoning. Combine all ingredients and stir thoroughly. Bake for 25 minutes. Stack on top of layer one.

LAYER THREE: Dump 2 other girls, 12 fights, and 15 bottles of alcohol and don't stir. Crack open 2 hearts and pour contents into sink, place the shells in with the mixture. Dice 2 failing attempts at leaving and 1 final success at getting out into cubes and combine with 4 bruises on the right cheek and a set of finger marks around the throat. Heat up 5 cups of tears and combine all ingredients. Stir until chunky. Bake for 25 minutes. Stack on top of layer two.

ICING: Combine 1,646 "I love you"'s, 20,310 kisses, 2 sets of hands, 5 necklaces, 3 ties, 1 dress shirt, 7 times under the sheets, 2 times in the shower, and 1 time in a club bathroom. Add in a squirt of heartfelt promises and sincere apologies. Mix and then spread on top of cake.

Serves: two lonely people.

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