seeds (TW)

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in 5th grade, my mother bought me my first bra. my chest was still plateaued, not yet molding into its womanly shape. i saw no point in it, as i thought i had no need to wear it yet, but my mother forced it on me and told me i was old enough that men would start staring. "it happened to me," she said.

in 6th grade, i held hands with a boy in the hallway and the teacher yelled at us until ears bled. i didn't understand what was so bad about enjoying how the blue-eyed boy's hand felt in mine. my teacher told me that it's best to avoid acting like that with boys until i was older, i could get mixed up with an older one who might have different ideas. "it happened to me," she said.

in 7th grade, i wore shorts to school one day that were a few inches above my knees. my science teacher took one look at me, shook his head, and sent me to the office to change. i didn't see what was so bad about my shorts; they were new and a pretty shade of red. the counselor who sat with my while i waited for my mother to bring a change of clothes told me that it was better not to wear clothes that give boys the wrong idea. "it happened to me," she said.

in 8th grade, i sat on my boyfriend's lap in class. he was in my chair and when he didn't move, i improvised. when my teacher walked in and saw. he screeched and told me to stay after class. i didn;t see what was wrong with joking around. he told me i should watch how i act with boys because they could view your actions as a silent yes. "it happened to me," he said.

in 9th grade, i let a boy get too close, too fast. his hands wandered my body like a map, a map he planned on throwing away. i didn't tell my mother. i didn't tell anybody. "it happened to them," i said, but my mouth stayed glued shut. i shouldn't have worn my push up. i shouldn't have kissed him so hard. i shouldn't have worn that tank top, those shorts. i shouldn't have laughed and weakly swatted at him when he pressed me against the well. i thought he was joking, i thought they were all joking. i kept my mouth shut, because it was my fault, wasn't it?


the boys i've loved and the end of the worldWhere stories live. Discover now