this is how they kill us

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you are beautiful they gushed as they tucked in your shirt because they thought it looked better that way, you are beautiful they complimented as they switched out your nail polish color to something they liked, you are beautiful they delivered as they watched the hairdresser take scissors to your hair and chop it off in chunks because they wanted it shorter, you are beautiful they snapped as they cleaned out your closet to give you new clothes because your older clothes weren't up to style, you are beautiful they groaned as they took away your candy because it was your fifth piece, you are beautiful they cursed as they took away your eyeliner because they didn't like how you wore it, you are beautiful they accused as they forced you to exercise way longer than you could handle because they thought you weren't athletic enough, you are beautiful they screamed as they pointed in disgust at your stomach because they thought it was too big, you are beautiful they sobbed as they found you crying in the shower after they said you were worthless earlier that night, you are beautiful they begged as they held your hand in the hospital bed because you'd swallowed too many pills, you were beautiful they whispered as they watched your coffin lower into the ground because you are dead and you are beautiful.


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