Jack | Concussion

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✂︎  —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —

I was out riding my skateboard before our interview in half an our and I'm riding back to the bus.

As I'm about to cross the street to the bus I push one more time placing my right foot back on the board about to go across the crosswalk but as I look left I see a car speeding up to me. I try to stop but my body goes flying off my board and I slam into the ground my head smashing against the concrete.

"Ugg" I grunt as I slowly open my eyes slowly sitting up.

I see my skateboard on the other side of the road next to the bus. I slowly stand up feeling the word around me spin.

I slowly made my way across the street now looking several times before steeping out.

I safely made my way to the other side of the street and picked up my board. I opened the buss doors slowing walking in.

"Hey jack!" Corbyn smiled and I winced at the loud noise.

"You ok?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah...my head is pounding" I said slightly regretting talking as it cause my head to hurt more.

"Oh c'mon how many times you gonna use that one jack" Jonah called out shaking his head.

I frowned and walked to the the bathroom and looking in the mirror before splashing my face with cold water before resuming my original pose.

Until I felt a strange movement from the back of my head. It felt as if someone was breathing on the back of my head.

I slowly moved my hand up to the back of my head and winced and pulled away as soon as my hand touched it. I looked at my hand and froze.


I panicked but kept quiet not wanting to worry the boys. I grabbed some toilet paper and bundled it before placing it on my head applying pressure. I look around the small bathroom looking for anything I could use to cover up the bleeding gash on the back of my head. I spotted my Bennie and gently slipped it on my head before disposing the bloody toilet paper and washing my hands.

"Jack! Let's go Uber's here!" I heard corbyn call.

I took one last quick glance at the bathroom before stepping out and walking to the door with the rest of the boys.

∘ ̇⋄⠠⠈∗⠂⋆ ✧⠠ ⋄ ̇ ᐧ ∘ ̽ ͙ ⋅

As we squished into the Uber with Jonah up front and the rest of us in the back I began to feel lightheaded again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out.

"You okay jack?" Daniel looked at me concerned.

I opened my eyes and saw the car was a now blurry. "Oh, yeah I-I'm fine just tired" I smiled at what I thought was him because I couldn't really see anything at the moment.

𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐅𝐈𝐂 // 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐄Where stories live. Discover now