Kill Her

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River's POV


I winced as I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, bringing my hand up to touch the dark bruise on my jaw. Needless to say, my father didn't take it well when he found his men lying on the floor, with me unharmed in the middle of it. I didn't tell him anything about Viva, but I didn't need to. It wasn't long after my father, Bill, showed up, when the guys came to and told him everything about the girl. He was furious, ordering them out of the house before turning on me.

Now, I had a busted lip and a bruised face, and my ribs ached. This wasn't unfamiliar though; my dad was one of those people who didn't believe in groundations. He believed that a few hits would fix eveything. Besides, with my lifestyle, a few bruises isn't a big deal.

My father is one of the leaders in a large gang, and right now he was working on picking up shipments and tradings of drugs. As his son, I'm considered part of the gang, so my job is to cause trouble in the city while he gets drugs and money nearby. That way, the cops in the area will be busy with me and Bill doesn't need to worry about being thrown in jail if they catch him.

My dad was already gone; he had only stopped by to take a shower, eat some food, and sleep. Yeah, he's kind of a dick.  Now it was about seven in the afternoon, getting dark out, and I was exhausted. Being out all night, I never get to sleep. In the past three days, I must have had a total of seven hours to sleep in all. Even after a refreshing shower, my eyes looked dark and tired and I felt like shit. Brushing my damp hair out of my eyes, I headed to my room, pulling on some dark jeans and a dark gray shirt. I noticed my window was open, from where Viva had gotten in and out. I can't let that happen again. She was dangerous, and if she returned I probably wouldn't be able to save her. I shut the window, locking it, before going to the front door, grabbing a handgun from a table, slipping my black leather jacket on and leaving the house.


The streets were still full, late shoppers rushing around and groups of buzzed teens laughing and heading from bar to bar. I walked around them, head down, slipping into an alley. It was much quieter there; who would go into an alley in a city like this? My father was headed out tonight for a very large trade of cocaine, and he instructed me to do something more distracting to the cops tonight, something more than a streetfight or a gunshot. Basically that meant that I had to rob a store or break into a building.

Usually when it comes to these things, he sends a few men to go with me, to make the job easier. But he's still pissed at me, so he sent me off alone.

Along with that, he had told me to find Viva and kill her, since I knew what exactly she looked like. That filled me with an unpleasant feeling. Kill her? I shut that thought out of my mind, not wanting to think about it.

I was still sore, so a simple streetfight was out of the question, and I was too tired to be alert and focused enough to rob a store or something. I took my phone out of my pocket, calling Presley, my best friend, only friend, of five years. He was in the same situation as me; a father in the gang. He was my age, nineteen.

He picked up right away. "Hey man."

"Hey," I answered. "Unlock your door, I'm coming over."

His voice was joking when he replied, "Oh, are we taking our relationship to the next level?"

I rolled my eyes. "Very funny. I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Another job from Bill?" he guessed.

"Yeah." I say.

"Alright, I'm unlocking it. Bring condoms please, I have morals."

 "Uh-huh. Bye."

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