Chapter 5 Jump Rope

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Recenlty the Gang of Rejects was called to the office due to the fact that Evan the 2nd grade bully was injured serverly. The Gang of Rejects answered they knew nothing and were playing on there DS's while Mr. Dab made out with the janitor. 

There next target was Stan. The most overrated bully in the second grade. (Keep in mind the Gang of Rejects are in 4th) Stan was by himself jump roping on a hill. George said this will be a hit and run. They suited up. Stan said, "Round 2!'' He said that because he orginally beat up Conner. So it was 7v1. Conner at his house resting.

They all went at once and pushed him down the hill. Out of the teachers site. The gang had him on the ground. They found a rusty old swing set. They tied the jump rope on the set and then attached Stan. They were not going to hang him, just tie him so he could not run. They threw punches. Each taking turns. Finally walking up the hill and leaving him for the coyotes. 

When Stan was found 2 months later, he was dead. Killed from starvation or coyotes. 

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