Hate can disappear (Lui x Shu) #2

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Shu walked into his final class. Before everyone else. As usual. The teacher looked up and smiled at him.

"So how did it go?" She asked

"Better than expected. In fact I think Lui and I have a chance at seeing eye to eye for a change... You know, despite the height difference." Shu joked a bit as he set down his portion of the project on her desk

She chuckled at his response. He sat down as his classmates began walking in. After about half the class was there Lui walked in and sat right next to Shu. The albino looked at him.

"Hi." He greeted simply

Lui responded with a noise that sounded like half grunt half hum. Shu was completely fine with this. After all he could have responded with something like 'shut up' or 'fuck off'. The teacher announced that everyone was free to continue working on their project.

Lui smirked smugly as he heard this. After all he and Shu were done. And just to rub it in everyone's face, he proudly held up his part and said:

"I'm guessing Kurenai gave you his part."

Shu chuckled at this. The teacher took the other half then tells the rest of the class to continue to work on their's. A few minutes later she calls Shu and Lui to her desk. They look at each other before going up.

"Is there something wrong?" Shu asked

"Nope, I just thought since you two are done with this assignment you can start on the next one. It's another duo, and seeing as how this went rather well you two can be a team again. You can head down to the library." She said handing them the directions with a smile

The two nodded and left. They got to and library read over directions and started working. Just as silently as the first assignment they had done. Until..

"Why do we hate ecah other?" Lui asked

"We never had relaxing or calm times together. That's why I hated you in the beginning. After that was...." Shu trailed off

"Your eye." Lui finished

"Yeah... Plus... you know you're not the kindest of people... It tends to sent a bad message."

Lui blushed kind of embarrassed by this. But he had things to say and he wasn't just going to hold his tongue.

"You know what frustrates me? How you let your friend in so much. Why do you do that?" Lui asked

"They're one of the reasons I continue to grown as a blader. I don't care about fame, I don't care about gaining a fortune, even titles don't mean that much. I do what I do because my friends. They want to see me go far. And I want the same for them. It's a possitive cycle and as long we keep wishing the best for each other it'll continue and push us farther." Shu explained

Lui stared wide eyed and in disbelief. Obviously he's never heard that one before. Shu blushed a little and looked down embarrassed.


"No... Don't be. I asked. You answered."

Shu nodded then chuckled. He looked with a small smile while Lui just kinda stared at him calmly.

"This is actually pretty nice. Tho I never expected to be able to communicate with you so well."

"Same here." Lui gave him a genuine smile

Then the bell rang. They put the books had back, got their stuff and left. Outside Valt, Wakiya, Daigo, and Honcho were waiting for him. Shu knew this would be the case.

"Hey guys." Shu greeted

The four froze seeing Lui. Wakiya being very obvious that was confused if not concerned.

"If you guys don't mind, I'm going to hang out with Lui today. I don't think he's ready for full friend group yet." Shu said clearly joking with the last part

"Fuck you!" Lui laughed

Valt and Honcho looked at each other still confused, while Daigo and Wakiya got it by now. After goodbyes and some very quiet be carefuls, Lui and Shu went on their way. Moment by moment, hour by hour the formerly hate filled rivals became got closer to each other. Their new found liking for each other became blossoming feelings. And before they knew it they were almost always together. Which didn't go unnoticed.

"FUCK!" Lui yelled

"What happened?" Shu asked

"The goddamn media needs to mind their own fuckin business!"

Shu looked at Lui's phone and sure enough someone from bey-news got picture of them hanging out.

"F. U. C. K. E. D." Shu spelt

"Fucked?" Lui raised eyebrow

"Yeah, these people are Fucked in the head. At least we don't show physical affection in public."

"Says the one who has his head on my shoulder." Lui pointed out with a smile

"It's my home I'll do what want." Shu snickered

"You're lucky you're too cute to hurt."

Shu just smiled at the comment.



Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed this. I wanted to take this last bit to thank you for the support and requests. The request for this part 2 really motivated me. Just like requests for other parts do. Same goes for any comment really. It tells me as a writer you all really like the story and care about it. So again thank you for all of your support, and hope y'all have a good day/night.

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