Out of the blue (Suoh x Fubuki)

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Aiger and Xavier listened cluelessly as Fubuki and Suoh argued in Japanese. Meanwhile Ranjiro's jaw was practically on the floor. What Suoh was saying was aggressive and a bit mean-spirited, while Fubuki was telling him off for being a jerk lately. It all came to a sudden halt when Fubuki hollered something that took Suoh aback and rendered Ranjiro speechless. Fubuki then stormed off and shortly after Suoh walk away to think about what he just heard.

"What was that about?" Xavier asked Aiger

"I don't know. My parents always speak in English, so I've never learned Japanese." Aiger said

They both looked to Ranjiro, who was still in disbelief and shock. If that wasn't a clear sign he knew what they were saying, I don't what is.

"What did they say Cap'n?" Aiger asked

"There's no way I can tell you that. A lot of what was said was intense and personal." Ranjiro replied

This only fueled Aiger and Xavier's curiosity. Meanwhile Suoh went back to his room and laid down. What Fubuki hollered made some things click in his head. Now there was a conflict in his mind.

"Was he serious? No, he couldn't be. But I don't know that for sure. It seemed so unlikely. It doesn't matter what it seemed like it's what it means. I thought I left these feelings behind. Clearly not."

All of this and more ran through the albino's head. He silently laid there engulfed in his thoughts. Later he decided to go up the the upper deck to relax, only to see Fubuki looking out on the ocean while Aiger asked him questions and Xavier stood there silently. Suoh sighed and walked over, hoping Aiger will just keep his mouth shut and Fubuki would be at least a little responsive.

"Fubuki?" He asked

"Yes?" Fubuki answered calmly keeping his eyes on the water

"Was what you said earlier serious?"

"Yes. Not that it matters. Nothing will ever come of it."

"You don't know that." Suoh siad a light pink dusting over his cheeks

Fubuki teared his eyes from the ocean and looked at Suoh, quiet clearly baffled.

"What're talking about?! What did you say?!" Aiger cut in

"Let's talk later." Suoh said

With that he left, leaving Fubuki to deal with an increasing impatiently curious Aiger.

*Time skip: 10 p.m.*

At this point everyone except for Suoh and Fubuki were asleep. Suoh was in his room, waiting patiently for Fubuki to arrive his heart thumping agaist his chest. A few light knocks at the door and he answered. The blond ever so slightly nervous.

"Pretty peaceful with everyone asleep." Fubuki commented

"Indeed." Suoh agreed letting him in

Silence then fell between them. Feeling awkward Fubuki looked to the floor stratching the back of neck. A few quick footstep made him look up. The moment he did so he was met with a kiss. Not thinking twice he kissed back. They took each others hands, intertwining their fingers. They could have stayed like that forever, if only oxygen wasn't important. They pulled away blushing a bit.

"So something is going to come of it. I'm happy we feel the same way." Fubuki smiled

"So am I. However I still intend to scatter you in battle."

"Try me." Fubuki smirked

"Heh, fine then." Suoh said opening his eyes a bit

With that Suoh pulled Fubuki on to the bed. Needless to say he didn't leave the albino's room until morning.

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