Chapter 16

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Alex woke with a horrible headache and blurred vision. It was hard to make out much, it was nighttime and only a small bit of moonlight was coming in the window. She blinked hard several times to try and see clearly.

The room was brick with bars over the small window and a narrow barred door. She was lying on a bed and the only other thing in the room was a toilet in the corner. She was confused as to how she got here. All she remembered was falling asleep in her bed.

"Hello! Is anyone there?!" Alex's voice echoed in the empty space. When she got no reply she walked to the door, only to see endless darkness.


Trevor transformed as soon as he cleared the tree line and ran for the house. There in the kitchen was Christian kneeling beside Marcus. Shirley was sitting at the table crying and Owen was rubbing her shoulders, with his head down.

His eyes were still pitch black and his canines were showing. "What the hell happened?! Where is she?!" He didn't wait for an answer and ran for the stairs.He ran into her room and started sniffing the air. Growling in frustration. The only scents in the room were Alex, Marcus, Shirley, Owen and Christian. He ran back down to the kitchen as Daniel arrived. "Alpha the pack doctor is on his way!" Trevor was breathing deeply, pacing the floor as he ran his hands through his hair. After he found a measure of control, he spoke. "Christian tell me what happened here?"

"I'm not sure Alpha. I came to relieve Marcus and found him like this. I ran to the Luna's room to make sure she was okay and found it empty. That's when I called for help."

They heard the boat approaching and soon John and several pack members were at the door. "What is everyone doing here?!" He growled.

"I'm sorry Alpha, in my shock, I sent the entire pack the message." Christian bowed his head.

"I want everyone out except John." Daniel commanded.

Daniel put his hand on Trevor's shoulder, "Let's go in the other room and talk." Trevor jerked away from him and went to the living room. He had calmed enough that his canines had retracted but his eyes were still black.

"Listen I'm talking to you as your brother not your Beta. We will find her."

"And how are we suppose to do that exactly? Can't you see the rain pouring down! There is nothing to track! Every damn thing is washed away!" Trevor's voice had reached a roar, the sheer power making the windows rattle.

"It had to be Derek."

Trevor calmed and started piecing things together. "Your right. We find Derek and we find Alex. When you came into my office I was going to tell you we have a traitor. But we never got that far. Derek could not get out by himself, he had help."

Daniel sighed. He didn't want to believe that one of their trusted guards could do this, but all the evidence pointed to it. "I will go through the security footage and interview the guards as soon as we get back."

"No. I want you to go now, we don't have any time to waste. I will take care of things here."

"Yes Alpha." Daniel turned to leave.

"Daniel if you find him, no one is to touch him. Only me." Trevor's voice was low and menacing. Daniel nodded and left.

Trevor walked back to the kitchen to check on Marcus. "How is he John?"

"Not good Alpha. His vitals are really low. I suspect wolfsbane and probably a sedative. I will have to do blood tests to be sure. There is a puncture wound on the back of his neck."

"Take care of him and let me know as soon as he is awake."

"Of course Alpha." Two men came in and placed him on a stretcher and carried him out." John hesitated.

"Alpha? I thought you would want to know, I found 2 bottles of the masking oil missing. I was about to call you when Daniel told me to come here."

"Thank you John." He nodded and left.

Owen and Shirley walked by and nodded their heads in respect. "Owen?"

"Yes Alpha?"

"Please tell everyone outside to go home."

They left and he walked back to Alex's room. He sat down on her bed, lifted her pillow and inhaled her scent. "Don't worry princess I will find you or die trying. Those responsible will receive a torturous death." Trevor left the room taking her pillow with him.


As he walked away from the house, he smiled. They will never find her in time, He would make sure of that. He was happy that it rained. He hadn't had time to erase his tracks, when the pack call went out.


Alex woke up for the second time. Thankfully with sunlight coming through the window. She sat up and looked around. "How the hell am I going to get out of here?" The walls were at least 10ft high and the lone window was all the way to the top. She got up and walked around the room. There was no way out other than the door. Alex turned to go back to the bed when she heard a noise in the distance. A light came on. When she looked out the door, she realized she was in a basement. Alex heard footsteps coming down the stairs and ran to the back of the room, looking for anything she could use as a weapon. nothing.

When she turned around there was a man standing at the door. He was dressed all in black with gloves and a ski mask. The only thing visible were his eyes. They were a strange blue. He had a tray in his hands and bent and pushed it through the slot at the bottom of the door. "Who are you and why am I here?!" He only blinked and pointed to the tray.

Alex crossed her arms. "Listen you! I'm not eating anything until you tell me who you are and why I'm here!" Her stomach betrayed her, growling loudly. The food smelled and looked delicious. He shook his head and pointed to the tray.

" it you can't talk or won't?" The man placed a hand on his throat and shook his head. "You can't talk?" He nodded. "Well that's just great!" she threw her arms in the air.

"Fine. How long have I been here?" He held you four gloved fingers. "Four hours?" He shook his head. "Four days?" He nodded. "How is that possible?!" He pointed to her arm. She looked down at her arm and saw needle marks. "I was drugged?! How could you do that to a person?!" He pointed to the tray again and walked away.

"Come back here! I have more questions!" The light went out and she heard his footsteps going up the stairs.



Zoe was ecstatic when she heard the call for help through the pack link. She was surprised that Derek had worked so fast! She went into Marcus' room and returned the keys. "Now for a hot shower and then I can put on my show." She laughed.

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