chapter 9

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Alex had just finished breakfast and was headed to the stairs, when there was a knock at the door. She silently cursed and went to answer it.

"Good morning Alex! I hope I'm not intruding?" Adrian said with a panty-dropping smile.

" morning. It was Adrian am I right?"

"Yes, so glad you remember. I just came to accept your invitation."

"Invitation?" Alex was confused.

"Yes. When I was here last, you invited me inside. I was not able to accept, so I decided to come today. I thought we could properly introduce ourselves."

"Oh. Right. I'm so sorry, where are my manners, please come in." She smiled.

Alex led him to the living room and gestured to the sofa, "Please have a seat. Can I get you something, tea or coffee?" She was frustrated that he had interrupted her reading of the letter and wanted this conversation to go fast.

"No. Not this time." He said with a slight smirk. "I won't take too much of your time. So, tell me Alex what brought you to Milford lake?"

" grandmother passed away and she left me this house and I decided that Sammy and I would move here."

"Sammy? Is he family...boyfriend or husband perhaps?" He seemed irritated.

Alex laughed, "Sammy is my dog!" She pointed to the opposite corner of the room where Sammy was laying on his bed, watching Adrian. Strange Sammy usually is happy to meet new people. Alex shook the thought away and continued. "How did you end up here at the lake?"

"Ah...I have lived here for a very long time. In the white cottage just down to the left." The gold flecks in his eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke. "I thought perhaps you would like to join me tomorrow evening for drinks?"

Alex didn't know what came over her, she said "yes", when she really wanted to decline.

"Excellent! I will see you at 6. Would you like me to pick you up?"

"No that's okay, I'll drive over."

"Alright, I won't keep you any longer. We can get to know each other tomorrow." As he stood, Sammy started a low growl.

"Sammy! stop that! I am so sorry, he is usually very friendly."

He narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the dog. Then like a switch had been thrown, he gave another one of his dazzling smiles. "No worries Alex, it has been a pleasure. I will show myself out."

Alex was really upset with herself. She had swore off men but, she had lunch yesterday with one and now agreed to have drinks with another. "Stupid...stupid...stupid! Didn't you learn enough from John?! Handsome men are trouble!" She shook her head and walked up the stairs.


Alpha! Adrian is in the house with her! Christian mind linked Trevor.

What the hell is he doing there? Trevor growled.

Well he said that he came by to get to know her and then he invited her for drinks tomorrow night.

Like hell she will!

Um...Alpha, she said yes.

Trevor growled and cut him off.


Alex went to her closet and got the box. She sat it down on the window seat and with a sigh she sat down. Alex ran her hands over the beautiful carvings. The one that stood out was a carving of a wolf, on the top, with rays of light shining from it. Alex took the key from around her neck and opened the box. She removed the letter and bank envelope, then locked the box and put it back. She decided that the best place to go would be the dock. She didn't want anything else to delay her. She went out the front door and around the house, so she would not run in to Shirley or Owen. Alex took a quick look around, satisfied, she sat down on the end of the dock. Alex decided to open the bank envelope first. She ripped it open and pulled the papers out. The first page was information on a trust account and the stipulations. Most of it seemed pretty standard until she got to the last one. 'There will be no distribution from the trust until the recipient has been fully marked and mated' "What is that suppose to mean?" Alex frowned. The next page had the trust details, Alex almost fell off the dock when she saw the amount, $10,000,000 dollars! She hurried through the remaining pages. They were transaction details to the account, going back 40 years. "Gran you've got some explaining to do!" Alex put the papers back and then picked up the letter.

My dearest Alexandra,

I know by you reading this letter, I have passed on. But, rest assured that I am always with you. I know you must be confused and I will do my best to explain.

When your mother was pregnant with you, your Enisi came to me. She told me of a vision she had for your future. She told me that you would bring about a new breed. The waya and adanvdo would once again be united during the snow moon. One will come to you that will be your forever. But be careful of those who are only pretenders. You will face many hardships. There is also a necklace that she left for you. It is in your grandmothers jewelry box. please wear it at all times.

I know you must be surprised at the money in the trust. The tribe has been saving this money for a long time in preparation for your future. You will understand what to do with it when the time is right.

Your mother believed that the vision was for her and that is why she left. Both your Enisi and I tried to make her see the truth. She left in search of a future that was not hers. Please know that she loved you and in her eyes this is what she had to do. Just as she was trying to make her future so were you. Neither of the men you married were your forever. Please don't let the past rule your heart.

Stewart Whitman is an excellent attorney and friend. You can trust him Alexandra. He will answer your questions and help you when the time is right. I'm sorry that I can not more fully explain. There are something's that you must discover for yourself.

I love you for eternity,


Alex was stunned! She read the letter again. She folded the letter and put it carefully back in the envelope. She took a deep breath, then gather everything and walked back to the house.

Once upstairs, she retrieved the box and opened it. Alex took out her great-grandmothers jewelry box. at the bottom was a necklace, she knew it was the one as soon as she saw it. It was beautiful. A gold chain and medallion. The medallion had a intricate carving of a wolf standing by a lake surrounded by trees. From the bottom hung three gold feathers. What initially looked like a border on the medallion were actual words. The writing was so small, it was almost unreadable. Wayaadanvdo, was repeated as it encircled the medallion. Alex placed the necklace around her neck and felt a small tingling throughout her body, that only lasted for a couple of seconds. It rested on her collarbone. Alex turned to the mirror to look at it and felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

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