83: Girl Or Boy?

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It's been almost a month since Daniel came home and the doctors cleared him of all serious illness. Ever since he's gone back into full work mode with late nights and early mornings to make up for the time he lost.

Hazel forgot to put her assignment in her bag last night so while she runs to her room to get that, I turn to Daniel who is scrolling through a presentation on his laptop.


"Hmm?" He says, without looking up.

"I set up an appointment with Dr. Singh today. To get the baby's gender checked." This gets his attention.

He shuts the laptop and looks at me, "What time is it?"

"She said I can pop in any time between 12 and 1." I reply.

"Can you pick me up from the office at 12?" He asks me.

"Daniel, if you're busy. It's okay, I can do it alone." I say, truly meaning every word.

Hazel hustles in and shoves the file in her bag. Daniel gets up from his seat at the dining table and walks over to me, "If I don't have time for my family, what's even the point of having one?"

I smile up at him as he quickly kisses me and grabs his laptop. I say goodbye to him and Hazel as they leave. Daniel has started dropping off Hazel at school before going to the office to give me time to relax at home.

To kill time I decide to reorganize my closet. My priorities in terms of fashion have changed from trendy to nice but comfortable in the last few weeks as my pregnancy has gotten harsher on my body.

I take a break in the middle to reply to some messages from friends planning a meetup and have a bite to eat. I'm done with an hour left to shower and get ready before meeting Daniel.

At eleven thirty I park the car in Aaron Limited headquarters' parking space reserved for Daniel's cars.

"Hey!" Daniel says, answering my call.

"Hi. I'm waiting for you in the parking." I tell him.

"I'll be down in ten minutes." He says and ends the call.

He joins me exactly ten minutes later and takes the wheel.

"I didn't make us late, did I?" He asks, checking the time on his watch.

"No, we'll be fine." I reply.

As we near the hospital, my stomach starts getting butterflies and it gets to the point where I have Daniel stop the car, thinking that I may throw up.

Thankfully that doesn't happen but Daniel doesn't start driving immediately after either. He shifts in his seat to face me.

"Talk to me." He says, taking my hand in his, "Please."

I sigh and look at him, "I never thought we'd get to the day where we find out the gender of our second child." I scoff, "I never even thought we'd get to have a second child."

Daniel reaches across the console and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I lean against him, taking comfort in his presence.

"Thank you for coming with me." I say, looking at the road ahead.

"No, thank you for inviting me." He says, making me laugh and then he adds, "It's as much my duty to be here with you as it is yours to visit Dr. Singh."

I move away from his embrace to look at him. Unable to hold back, I lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. He pushes a hand into my hair to hold me against him. A minute later I pull away, "We're going to be late."

He pouts, making me laugh and I kiss his cheek, "Please."

"If you insist." He mock sighs and begins to drive.

With the mood lightened and my head clear, anticipation starts to build in my mind.

When we reach the hospital, Daniel drops me off at the entrance and then takes away the car to park it. I'm still at the reception desk waiting for my turn when he joins me.

A few minutes later, I knock on Dr. Ana Singh's door and she calls out to come in.

"Emma! Hello!" She comes around her desk to meet me and Daniel.

"You must be eager to find out the gender so let's hold off the formalities for after and get to that first." She says, walking to the other side of the room where the ultrasound machine is ready.

As I start to follow her, Daniel catches my hand and kisses my head, taking the chance to whisper, "I love you."

I give him a small smile before joining Ana at the machine. A few minutes later she turns away from the screen to look at me.

"Do you want me to tell you or give you the results in an envelope?" She asks.

I almost ask her to tell us before I realize that I want to be alone with Daniel when I check, so I take up the latter. Thirty minutes later we're back in the car with the envelope in my purse.

"I can't wait any longer." I say to no one in particular and pull it out.

I take out the folded paper with shaky hands before unfolding it so that Daniel can see it too. I gasp as my eyes take in the words and the paper falls onto my lap. As Daniel wraps an arm around my shoulder, I can feel his body shaking too.

I wipe away the tears from my eyes before picking up the paper again. I look up at Daniel to find him beaming and I know my own smile reflects the same emotions.

"We're going to have a son." He says and I nod unable to do anything else.



P.S. I'm posting this and the next chapter today because I may not have Wi-Fi for the next two days :(

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