41: Reassurance

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I wake up in Hazel's bed. She's sound asleep with Vanessa tucked under one of her arms. I quietly make my way out of the room, making sure that I don't disturb her.

I check my phone as I head for my bedroom. There's a message from Daniel saying that he is at his office for a meeting about last night's events but he'll be home before Hazel wakes up. I take a long shower and then change into a t-shirt and some soft pants before going to check on breakfast.

I take my coffee back upstairs to Hazel's room, there is no way I am letting her out of my sight. I sit on the sofa in her room, sipping my coffee and looking out the window. I don't how long I sit that way until Hazel wakes up and groggily calls out my name, drawing my attention.

"Good morning, Bunny." I say, walking over to the bed and giving her a hug.

"Morning, mommy." She mumbles back, yawning into my shoulder.

I kiss her head and send her into the bathroom while I pick out clothes for her to wear. Once she has showered and changed, I ask her what she wants for breakfast as we make our way downstairs. Before we get to the kitchen, I hear the front door close and then Daniel appears in the doorway.

Hazel breaks away from me and runs to him, who lifts her into his arms and holds her close.

"Have you had breakfast?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, "No, I was waiting for you two. And speaking of breakfast, Hazel, look what I got you."

He sets her on the ground and holds out a paper bag which I hadn't noticed he was holding.

"Cinnabon!" Hazel screams, excited. "Thank you, daddy."

"You're welcome, Bunny." He says, kissing her head.

I can't help but smile at the two of them.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

"Just some coffee, please." He replies.

I head to the kitchen while he takes Hazel to the dining room. By the time I go the dining room, Hazel has already devoured half of her Cinnabon roll.

"Can I have a bite?" I ask, knowing the answer already.

"It's mine." She pouts.

I smile at her and give her a peck on the cheek before sitting down to eat.

Half an hour later, Hazel is watching a movie in her room with Vanessa and Daniel is working in the study room. When I sit down in the living room do I finally realize the extent of all that has happened since last night.

Hazel was kidnapped. We have her back. But Daniel lost a big work opportunity. I sigh and lean further back into sofa, thinking of how things went from normal to completely toppled.

"What are you thinking?" Daniel's voice jerks me back to the present. I look up to find him standing in the doorway.

"Everything." I sigh, as he comes to sit on the arm of the sofa.

We sit in silence for a little while before I muster up the courage to ask, "What are you going to do?"

He quietly sits down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him.

"If I ask you not to worry about it, will you stop thinking about it?" He asks.

"You know I won't." I reply, sitting forward and looking back at him. "Please, just tell me."

He looks at me for a second, contemplating.

"Regardless, of the contract they made me sign, we had a prior agreement of keeping personal matters out of professional problems and taking Hazel was the definition of its violation. We have proof of the kidnapping from the security cameras here at home and we have managed to find a camera in a building near the parking lot that recorded the proceedings."

"And?" I ask, sensing more to it.

"We haven't informed Alan and Co. yet but we will be taking our case to court. And after that things may not be the same, security wise, for the time the case is still on, at least." He adds.

I take a deep breath and finally meet his eyes. "We cannot let Hazel get any more involved in this than she already is."

"I agree." Daniel nods.

"She will go to her swimming classes and play dates as usual. Nothing is going to change about her schedule but obviously, I'll keep a close eye on her and any security arrangements you want to make have to be discreet." I tell him.

"Absolutely." He nods.

With nothing more to say, I lean into him and press my lips to his. I feel his hand in my hair as he pulls me closer. I press a hand against his neck, unable to get enough of him. When we break apart, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shoulder.

I feel him rub my back as he says, "I promise I won't let either of you get hurt."

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