81: Daniel's Home

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"Mrs. Aaron, can you kindly come down to the reception desk to fill out some forms?" The nurse in the room asks me.

"Of course." I nod, looking to Daniel to check if he needs anything but he shakes his head so I head for the elevator.

It's 28 December, the doctors kept Daniel in hospital for the last two days to make sure that he's healthy enough to return home but they have found everything in order and Daniel insisted that he feels perfectly fine. No dizziness or shakiness like he did at time when he had problems with his blood sugar level.

It takes me a good forty minutes to fill out the forms and provide relevant documentation and identification. I'm putting my ID card back into my wallet when I hear Daniel's voice behind me.

"Ready to leave?"

I turn around to find him showered, shaved and dressed in a clean white polo shirt and a pair of jeans.

I simply nod and busy myself with the papers on the desk in front of me so that Daniel can't see the broad smile on my face. A hospital lobby isn't the place for intimacy.

"Jeremy is waiting at the house with Hazel." I tell Daniel as I hand the file to the waiting nurse and get up from my seat.

"I need to get an update on the office." He sighs as we walk out the hospital doors.

I say nothing as Daniel does not know of my involvement with the company yet and I cannot say whether he'll be happy with the work I did in the two weeks that I went in to work.

We talk about trivial matters on the way home just to bring him up to speed with all that he missed. I tell him of my weekly appointments with Dr. Singh, Hazel's mission to teach Vanessa how to shake paw with her and every little detail of Hazel's swimming progress.

When we get to the house, I let Daniel catch up with the man in charge of our security entourage and head inside ahead of him. Jeremy meets me in the foyer just as Daniel walks I too.

"Welcome home!" He calls out.

"Thank you." Daniel says, "For all the help you were to Emma the last couple of weeks. And for taking care of the company."

"You're welcome but you should really be thanking Emma." Jeremy says and I cut in, "We should have an early lunch."

Jeremy looks at me, "Emma take the credit!"

"Credit for what?" Daniel asks.

I sigh as Jeremy starts to explain, "Employee morale started falling when you cut your working hours but labour turnover spiked when you were hospitalized and Alan and Co. made a big spectacle out of it."

"What?!" Daniel exclaims, gaping at Jeremy.

Jeremy nods, "Yeah and we feared that clients would start pulling out if they thought that an Aaron was no longer in the picture. So, Emma stepped in and took the reins."

"You did?" Daniel looks at me and I nod I reply.

"Why didn't you tell me? You've were with me all of yesterday." Daniel says.

I sigh and finally speak up, "Because it's not a big deal. Aaron Limited is practically a second child for you and hence, for me too. I watched you raise it and nourish it. I wasn't just going to let it fall to its ruin. I love you Daniel, that's why it's no big deal."

Daniel wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead, "It is a massive deal because I love you for doing this."

"I'm still here." Jeremy reminds us and I playfully push Daniel away as he turns to his assistant, "Inform all the employees and directors, we're having a New Year's party."

"No..." I start to protest, "Daniel you need to rest."

"I've had enough rest and it will act as my official return to work and celebrate Emma's contribution to the company." He smiles at me.

I hold his gaze for a minute before giving in, "Fine. But you have no part in the planning process except attending."

"Deal." Daniel holds out his hand and we shake on it.

"Alright, I'll leave you two to settle back in and I'll start the arrangements for the party." Jeremy says goodbye and leaves.

Just as the door closes behind him, Hazel runs into the foyer with Vanessa in tow.

"Nice sweaters." Daniel smiles at his daughter.

"They were one of my Christmas presents!" She tells him before turning to me, "Vanessa loves hers too."

I leave the father, daughter and dog to catch up while I head to bed to get some rest. When I wake up its dusk outside. I freshen myself up and then head downstairs.

I find Daniel in the kitchen, a glass of water in hand.

"Hey!" I say, walking in.

"Hi! I was just about to have dinner laid out." He tells me.

"Where's Hazel?" I ask.

"She fell asleep an hour ago. She's in her room." He replies.

Just then his phone starts to ring and he picks if off the counter only for him to frown at the screen. "Why is David calling?"

I quickly say, "Don't answer the call."

"Why?" He raises an eyebrow.

"There's something you need to know before you talk to him." I tell him.

Daniel sets the phone down and turns to me. I take a deep breath and start to explain.

"David walked in on my conversation with Jeremy about the company and David nominated himself as the head." Before I can continue, Daniel cuts in, "WHAT?"

I nod, "That's about the gist of it."

"Wow. So much for being my brother. Not that this surprises me now that I think about it. Having to work an eight to five must be killing him." Daniel sits down on one of the counter stools.

I silently give him a hug as he says, "I'm going to call him and kill him through the phone."

This makes me laugh and I kiss his cheek, "Good luck."

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