21: Parents Arrive

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We park the car in the airport parking and then walk towards the rows of luggage trolleys. Daniel grabs one and Hazel at once lets go of my hand and clambers onto it. While the two of them walk ahead of me, I try calling mom but her phone is still switched off.

We reach the arrival terminal and wait at the barrier. My parents flight got delayed by an hour so they must have just landed.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" Hazel groans, tumbling down from the trolley.

I look around and spot a tuck shop and point it out to my husband and daughter.

"I'll get her something to eat." Daniel volunteers. He kisses my cheek before taking Hazel's hand and leading her to the shop.

I lean against the trolley and check my pending calls and messages. They return after a few minutes and Hazel is munching on a packet of chips. Daniel holds out to a Twix to me, making me smile at the chocolate as I take my bar and give him the other.

In college, once we started dating, every day for lunch one of us would buy a Twix and share it. The nostalgia overwhelms me and I wrap my arms around his neck before pressing my lips to his. I feel his lips smile against mine and know that he was remembering the college days as well.

I pull away as Hazel starts to giggle.

"You got chocolate on mommy's face." She laughs.

"Really?" Daniel asks before licking my cheek.

"Daniel!" I groan, pushing him away and playfully punching his arm which he neatly dodges.

An all too familiar voice speaks from behind me. "You two haven't changed a bit."

"Hi!" I scream like a little girl and barrel into my mother's open arms. After a crushing hug, she kisses my head and pulls away to let me meet dad who's shaking hands with Daniel.

"Hey baby girl." He smiles at me, before enveloping me in a hug.

"I cannot believe you've grown from a cute little baby into such a pretty little girl!" Mom exclaims, picking up Hazel and then saying, "Heavy too."

We all laugh as Hazel meets her grandparents for the first time since the last time was when she was a new born.

Daniel helps dad haul their three suitcases onto the trolley before we start walking back to the car. Hazel clings onto me so I have to carry her while mom fills me in on their flight and my family in Switzerland.


P.S. if you have read The Royal & The Housemaid, I added a new chapter to The Royals & The Baby on 23 June which was my birthday and a celebratory chapter for the story's two year anniversary :)

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