45: Court Day

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It's finally Friday and the court is set to announce its decision at noon. Hazel is dressed for her playdate, having breakfast while I reply to some frantic messages from mom, telling me to call her as soon the court adjourns.

"Ready?" Daniel asks walking into the dining room, his laptop in hand.

"Can you please eat something?" I say for the third time this morning.

He sighs and sits down next to Hazel, across from me. "I can't. I had coffee and I'm barely keeping that down."

"Okay." I nod just as Hazel groans loudly.

We both look her way to see her struggling with the juice box. I laugh at the sight as Daniel holds out his hand.

"Do you want me to help you with that?" He asks her.

"Yes, please." She says, before going back to finishing her donut.

Twenty minutes later we're all in Daniel's car, driving to Hazel's playdate venue. I spot the security car, a few cars behind us, trying to look discreet. Daniel parks the car in the parking lot instead of dropping off Hazel at the entrance with an attendant. I help her out of her car seat and then take her hand, leading her to the building.

I ask the receptionist if she can fetch Hazel's supervisor for me and she leaves to do so. A few minutes later she comes back, Hazel's supervisor in tow at the same time that Daniel and one of the guards walk in.

I say goodbye to Hazel as she goes off to join her friends before turning to the waiting supervisor.

"Hello. I'm so sorry for calling you away but my husband and I wanted to discuss some things." I say, shaking her hand.

"No problem. I'm aware of the circumstances your family is facing." She tells us, "From the news."

"That's exactly why we're here." I say, "We know that Hazel only has a couple of months left here with you before she starts school but we want to make sure that she's safe while she's here."

"Of course, was there anything you had in mind?" She asks.

"Yes, actually." This time Daniel speaks up and points towards the guard who followed him in, "This is Charlie. He's one of my most trusted guards. Hazel doesn't know that he'll be staying here but we want your permission to have him here in the building during the time Hazel is here."

"That can be managed but he'd have to stay on the ground floor because the children are on the floor above." She tells us.

"Of course. He won't be an inconvenience." Daniel assures her.

While Daniel gives instructions to Charlie, I thank Hazel's supervisor for her cooperation. Once we're outside, I feel the weight of today's decision come crashing back down on me. Daniel opens the car door for me as I get in before walk over to his side.The tension in the car is thick but there is nothing either of us can do about it. The decision will be what it will be.

The media is in full force outside the court and to my surprise I see Police cars too.

"Why is the Police here?" I ask, worry clear in my voice.

Daniel must've sensed it because he reaches across the car console and takes my hand, "Hey. It's okay. Hamish Hamlet and the other officials who were arrested are here for the hearing, that's all."

"Okay." I nod and take a deep breath before Daniel reaches across the console and kisses me on the lips and then my cheek.

"Thank you for coming with me."

"I would've tortured myself but not coming." I smile at him, making him laugh softly too.

Daniel gets out of the car and hands the keys over to the driver waiting for him. I step out too and walk around the car before taking his hand as he leads the way towards the doors.News reporters call out his name as we cross the lawn and then walk into the building.

In contrast, everything inside in the court room is calm and orderly. Daniel will sit up front with some of his directors and lawyers, so I kiss his cheek one last time and wish him good luck as we part ways.Jeremy waves me over to the bench he's sitting at, it's two rows behind the front bench.

"He's calm and collected." Jeremy comments pointing towards Daniel.

"He's trying." I reply, watching my husband meet everyone.

"Why aren't you up there?" I ask him.

"Too nervous." He replies, sighing.

"You can talk to me." I tell him, turning myself so that I'm facing him.

He takes a deep breath before looking at me, "I don't have any siblings so I've always seen you two as my family."

"You are." I smile at him.

"That's why I'm scared. I don't want to see the only person I care enough to call my brother get hurt." He looks at Daniel in the front.

I stay quiet for a second before saying, "We have to hope for the best. You guys are in the right here, so there is little doubt that the decision will be in your favor but if it isn't then Daniel has been through much worse."

I smile to myself, "And I don't have to tell you that, do I? You were there."

Jeremy started as an intern with Daniel when he first started his first business, Jeremy was a college freshman back then and with time he's come to be Daniel's most trusted employee, closest friend and the brother that David will never be. And I remind Jeremy of all this.

"No matter what happens. You two have been through thick and thin together. And you will get through this too. Together." I smile at him.

He sighs and finally returns a small smile. I can see him accepting my words. Seconds later the judge walks into the room and calls the court to order. Everyone takes their seat as the case is read out for everyone to hear.After what seems like an hour when it has really been just twenty minutes, the judge opens a file and leans forward to start reading what's written.

I feel Jeremy suck in a sharp breath as do I, waiting to hear the result.

It's finally my birthday! I turn 19 today :)


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