48: Second Contest

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The parking is packed full, even more than last time when Daniel stops the car outside the country club's entrance and hands over the car to the valet. We have to walk through the swimming pool area to get to the changing rooms. The management has even brought out extra bleachers that form a ring around the pool.

I feel Hazel's hand shake in mine as she takes in the crowd and noise. Daniel notices it too and holds out a hand to make us both stop.

"Bunny." He says, kneeling down before her and forcing her to tear her eyes away from the people.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, pulling her into a half embrace.She just gives him a tight smile and says nothing. My heart starts hammering, nervous for Hazel and almost suggest that we don't let her participate but Daniel starts talking to her before I can voice my thoughts.

"You know, mommy was telling me that day about how you were so good at that class for older children." He tells her, "And I've watched you practice at home. You are so good."

She leans further into him, trying to hide. I kneel down too and take one of her hands in mine so that she looks at me.

"We love you, Bunny. No matter what." I smile at her, reassuringly.

With our vote of confidence registering in her mind, she pulls away from Daniel and looks at the pool where some children are already warming up.

"Have lots of fun swimming, okay?" Daniel says, kissing her head.

"Okay." She finally speaks for the first time and throws her arms around my neck, grinning as she does it."Smile." I hear Daniel say and just as Hazel pulls away to look at him, he takes the picture.Hazel giggles and asks to see the picture. Once she's approved of it, I take her hand and lead her to the changing rooms while Daniel heads for the stands reserved for parents of the contestants.

"Hazel!" Amelia exclaims, as Hazel steps out of the shower.

"Hi." My daughter smiles at her instructor.

"Good luck!" Amelia calls out, walking outdoors.

"Ready?" I ask Hazel, who nods in reply and then I lead her back out to the pool.I leave Hazel with Amelia and the other contestants who are gathered around her, listening to instructions before making my way to Daniel who found us space at the front.

"Hazel is noticeably the youngest." I voice my concern as I sit down next to him.

"I was thinking the same thing. Her and that child from the last contest." He says, pointing towards the boy who came second the last time.I sigh and fall silent as the referee starts to announce the rules. There will be three races, the first a simple start to the other end of the pool and then the other two an entire lap of the pool.

I turn to look at Hazel to find her scanning the crowds. I understand that she's looking for us so I raise a hand and wave to get her attention. She notices my hand and gives me a quick smile as she's led to her place at the pool. I watch Amelia take her place at the side of the pool, whistle in hand ready to kick off the first race.Hazel too has her eyes on Amelia. The last time she was put off by the whistle so I made sure she was trained to swim at the sound of it.

This pays off because the second the whistle blows, Hazel wastes no time and jumps into the pool. I see some of the other children, all older than her hesitate at the sound before jumping in.I don't realize that Daniel and I are both on our feet as Hazel reaches the other side of the pool, coming in second place.

She's helped out of the pool as the pool attendants set out plastic rods at one end of the pool.The children are allowed to catch their breath before asked to line up again. The whistle blows again and Hazel swims beautifully towards the other side of the pool, she reaches for the rod and then swiftly does a backflip, using the pool wall for leverage and she's ahead all the other contestants. Hazel's strength is her ability to flip around quickly and she comes in at first place in the second race.

A ten minute break is announced because some children are already exhausted and parents are allowed to go to them. We reach Hazel just as she's taking her goggles off, still sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Bunny!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around her wet body. "That was wonderful!"

"Well done, Hazel!" Daniel thumps her on the back as he kneels on her other side.She laughs at our joy and shakes her head when we ask her if she's tired. I have watched her swim for half an hour straight, without stopping so a four minute race hasn't even hitched her breathing. While Daniel talks to her, I look around to see some children do look tired.

The break ends and we make our way back to our seats as the children line up for the third and last race. The afternoon is bright and sunny so I put on my sunglasses and for once today sit relaxed with enough faith in my daughter to not worry about her.

And just as I expected, she wins the third race too which makes her the winner of the competition. As I watch her pull herself out of the pool, I feel Daniel kiss my cheek.

"Congratulations." He says, smiling at me and wipes away a tear from my cheek that I didn't even realize had slipped out.

I laugh at myself and wipe at my eyes to make sure there are no more. My heart is bursting with pride as I walk towards the changing rooms where all the children are changing out of their wet swimming costumes.Hazel is listening to Amelia talk to one of the mothers who is loudly complaining about something, her own son, who is at least two years older than Hazel by her side.

"What's wrong?" I ask Amelia.

But it's the mother instead who answers, "What's wrong?! How did she even win?! She's younger than my son! This race is rigged! Her lap must have been shorter! My son-"

I cut in, "Your son was beaten my daughter just because she swam better. The pool is the same as it was before, I'm sure he must have practiced in there before today. I request you to please take up your grievances with someone else but most certainly not my daughter."

I can see that this spoiled woman of a mother is not used to being refused what she wants, so my outburst puts her at a loss for her words. Taking advantage of this, I lead Hazel to one of the vacant stalls and close the door after us.

I snap out of my trance, remembering the fact that Hazel has won her second contest too, I bend down and swing her into my arms not caring that she's still wet. I kiss her cheek and hug her tightly as I feel her wrap her arms around my neck.

"You did so well, Bunny. I'm so proud of you." I kiss her cheek again, making her giggle.

The lunch for the contestants is scheduled to commence in thirty minutes, so I head out to find Daniel who is waiting in the lobby.

"Why is that woman glaring at you?" He asks and I turn around to confirm my suspicion.

"She had a few things to say so I said some back." I simply reply, smirking.

Daniel smiles, shaking his head before turning to Hazel. "And here is the champion!"

She laughs as he lifts her into his arms, hugging her."What do you want to do to celebrate tonight?" He asks her.

Hazel instantly screams, "BURGER KING!"

"Okay." He laughs at Hazel and sets her on the ground before taking her hand as I lead the way to the restaurant where lunch will be held and medals distributed.

Kind of a boring chapter, but yes, an update nonetheless! :)


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