5: Eiffel Tower

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Hazel keeps squealing and pointing at things as we drive through Paris towards the Eiffel Tower.

"Mommy! What is that?" She gasps, pointing at the tower as it appears in the distance over the top of the buildings.

"That's where we're going. It's huge, right?" I ask, looking back at her.

"It's huge." She nods, sitting in her car seat. Daniel and I laugh at how awed she looks.

Due to the crowd, Daniel has to park some distance away from the actual Parking but it provides us with an opportunity to stroll through Paris and inhale all the different aromas.

A vender selling flower head bands, walks past and at once Hazel comes to a halt, tugging on my hand and pointing at the bands.

"Can I please have one?" She asks, looking up at me.

"Of course, Bunny." Daniel says, pulling out his wallet and buying her a pink band which matches her shirt.

"I'm a princess and this is my Tiara!" Hazel exclaims, twirling on the sidewalk.

"You look pretty, Princess Hazel." Daniel kneels down in front of her and kisses her cheek.

I smile at them and take out my phone, taking their picture. The moment captured forever for us.

"I know." She grins at her father, making us both laugh.

After walking for a few more minutes we reach the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Not wanting to rush through our visit, Daniel takes out the Nikon camera he has slung over his shoulder and we take a few pictures of Hazel then take turns with her, before stopping a man to take one so we all can be in it.

After a few pictures, Hazel sees a cat and runs to it. Daniel wraps an arm around my waist and I lean into him, smiling at the camera.

"Merci !" Daniel says, taking the camera from the man while I drag an irritated Hazel back to him and try calming her down.

I'm still trying to do so when I hear Daniel call out something and turn around only to be met with the lens of the camera as he takes my picture.

Blushing I pick up the still annoyed Hazel and we spend a few more minutes taking pictures in front of the Tower.

"I'm going to get our tickets." Daniel says, walking towards the line.

"When will we go up?" Hazel groans.

"As soon as daddy buys our tickets." I answer.

After waiting a few more minutes he walks back to us and hands me the tickets before taking Hazel from me.

"Let's go." He says and I take the lead towards the stairs.

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