Chapter 6

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Me and Spinel walked to the injector, to sit on the hill. The Sun was starting to go down, its golden Sun rays covering every thing in its path. Spinel's eyes glowed, they sparkled like the sea. They were a deep, smoky mauve. I looked it to them, mesmerized with her again. She didn't notice, but I her face held that amount of joy, not hyper joy, but that blissfully peaceful yet knowing joy.
"Soooooooo, what game are we gonna play?"
"I don't know, Minecraft?"
"My craft?"
"No, no, Mine-craft" I explained "You build things, and there's animals and mobs who try to kill you and then there's a dragon-"
"OOoooooo, sounds fun, how do we play?"
"Well, it's on my phone. Here, I'll show you"
I got out my phone, Spinel leaning in close to me. I showed her how to play, and she got the hang of it eventually. We sat together as the sun came down. Spinel hummed as song that sounded like circus music. I looked over to the phone and she was blowing stuff up. She put down the phone and asked happily
"What's the beach-a-palooza"
"Well, lots of people gather into a building to listen to music, like a really big party"
Spinel gasped
"Party? Where!"
I laughed, hugging her. Sighing, I looked up at her.
"This is nice" I muttered.
"I like this" Spinel replied, starting to monologue "You know Y/N, I don't remember a lot, but today has been a lot of fun, a lot of fun. I've been feeling all these weird emotions, some fuzzy in my chest and warm and some stoney and hard and hate filled. I feel extra fuzzy with you"
I looked at the sky, some stars appearing now.
"I think that's love"
"Love for you?" Spinel looked anxious "do you feel the same with me?"
"Don't worry, I do"

A/N: sorry if the Minecraft part was a bit disappointing

Also I can't believe this is no. 3 ranked on Steven universe tag THANK YOU 💞💞💞!

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