Chapter 4

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"W-what?" I looked into her eyes. They glimmered with immature wildness.
"Spinel, stay away from them!" Steven pulled her away from me, her face immediately turning to a scowl.
"Let go of me, I want to play with my new friend!" She poured
"You CAME here to KILL us, I can't let you near her"
"I did what now?"
Steven's face suddenly drained of all hope.
"You don't remember, do you?" He asked, his voice was sad.
"Remember what?" Spinel ran over to hug me while speaking.

Steven fell to his knees.
"What are we gonna do, Y/N? The crystal gems don't remember anything and Spinel doesn't have a clue what's going on... they can't help us..."
I helped Steven up, and when our hand touched, Spinels face turned jealous. She glared a bit, but remained happy.
Then, I had a brainwave. "What about Peridot, Bismuth and Lapis?"

Me, Steven, Spinel, Ruby and Sapphire went to the other crystal gems. While we walked, Spinel ran, while I held her hand, following her. She giggled as we ran, turning around to look at me occasionally. I smiled happily back at her. It was cute how when she walked, her shoes squeaked.

When we reached the others, I was worn out. Spinel hugged me as Steven explain the situation. Peridot stood, examining the weapon Spinel owned, with a perplexed look on her face.
"What is this thing anyway?" Touching the button, as the scythe formed above her.
Bismuth snatched it away, hastily.
"Be careful, its a rejuvenator"
There was a chorus of "a what?" and "what's that?" from all of us, including Spinel.
"Homeworld used to them on them on gems that stepped out of line. It wipes their memory and returns them to 'original' purpose".
"I touched it! I could use all my character development!" Peridot screeched, wiping her hands.

I looked at Spinel, she smiled at me.
"Are we gonna play something?"
"Not now, we need to find out how to get them to regain their memory"
"What if it's like a puzzle?" She asked
"Wait! That might work!" Steven exclaimed "Continue..."
"Like a puzzle, like a word search or jigsaw or" she suddenly smirked and added, rather quickly "why Y/N and I aren't together yet"

I blushed, feeling my face going red. I don't think Steven heard, as he replied "Pardon? Anyway, then we need to think about the puzzle"

But didn't listen to the rest, I just looked at Spinel, who smiled at me and winked.
So we walked down the tower.

When I reached the bottom, Spinel stretched over to me, hugging my arm.

"I love you, you're not just my best friend" she said, leaning against me
"Then what am I?"
"MY BESTESTED FRIEND!!!" she announced, raising her hand into the air when she said that. She went back to hugging my arm, and muttered quietly "and I have a crush on you"

But I didn't hear, because I was busy trying not to blush. Did I have feelings for Spinel? It was undeniable at this point, she was perfect. And little did I know, she felt the same way.

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