Chapter 9- Syn (Edited)

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Syn looked at the male before them. She was by her brother, standing at his shoulder. She folded her arms across her chest, feeling better than she had an hour before. "Now, why is it that you are here, My Lord?" she asked, using her Princess training.

The male, Razul, nodded his head in respect to her. There was a smile on his face, that the Princess could see. "To help you, Princess," he replied, keeping his head bent.

Syn frowned and raised an eyebrow. She didn't trust him, since she didn't know of him or anything like that. "Now, why is it that we have just heard about you?" She cocked her head, confused. "Father hasn't mentioned you."

Razul smiled and looked up, showing her his kind, brown eyes. "Because, Princess, I was all ready on Earth, before the plan to take over it." He sighed and shook his head. "I was banished by the Queen, because she thought I was conspiring with the Late King to overthrow her power. That was before you two could even remember." There was a frown on his face, when he focused his gaze back on her. "I didn't even get to see my own daughter be born."

Syn looked down, feeling slightly guilty. "I'm sorry, My Lord," she said. "I am sure that you will get to see her again." She looked up and offered a small smile. Syn had been told that she had a gift. She had a gift of making people feel important, and it helped her get what she wanted or needed.

Razul bowed his head in respect to the Princess. "Thank you, Princess," he said. "And one day, I'm sure that you will be able to see your father again."

Syn didn't say anything about what he had said, because she had seen her father a few minutes ago. That was just going to be between her and her brother. She cleared her throat. "Now, why is it that you came to help me, My Lord?" she asked, getting down to buisness. "If it pleases you to answer."

"He better," her brother muttered, making Syn jab him in the gut. James grunted and stayed silent when Syn glared at him to shut up.

Razul chuckled, making the young female look at him. "You are so much like your father, Princess," he said, a sad smile was on his face. He sighed and shook his head, and Syn could tell that he missed his friend.

Syn bowed her head in modesty. "Thank you, My Lord," she said, softly.

Razul nodded his head. "To answer your question, Princess, I am here because of your secret powers." He glanced around, tensing, slightly. He looked back at the two siblings, worry and nervousness filling his eyes. "We should not speak about it here. Is there a safer place for us to talk?"

Syn frowned and glanced at her brother, not knowing if they could trust their male. "No, My Lord, we don't know of any other place." She looked up at Razul. "This is where we had lived for the years when we had been banned from our kingdom."

Razul nodded his head, his eyes going a darker brown while he thought of something. "Of, course, Princess." He cleared his throat, his eyes turning back to a lighter brown. "Come, I have a place that will be much "safer" to discuss what we need to discuss." He paused and glanced at her brother. "If that is alright with you, Your Highness."

Syn frowned and tried their link, again. She knew that if their father had trusted this man before them, then they should trust him, also. 'Brother, are you there?' she asked, using the link. She glanced at her brother and saw that he had stiffened a little.

'Please tell me that this is Syn,' her brother replied, making the young female smirk.

'Who else would it be? And, who else would call you, 'brother'?'

She heard James sigh in relief and bit back a giggle by biting her lip. A smile danced on the young female's face while she glanced down. 'I don't know,' he replied, honestly. 'Now, what do you think about this issue?'

'I say trust him. I mean, he was a friend of Fathers, and I don't sense any bad senses coming from him,' Syn replied. 'It is up to you, though.'

James sighed through their link. 'I think we should go. However, you are not leaving my side. Do you understand me?'

'Of course, Brother,' Syn replied. She looked at Razul and nodded her head, agreeing with him. "Of course, My Lord, we'll go with you to your place to talk. Is there a way we can go through the sewers?"

Razul nodded his head. "Yes, Princess, there is a way to go through the sewers. Now, would you like to live there also? It will be more comfortable than... this." He gestured towards secret room that they were living in.

Syn frowned thinking about something more comfortable than an old mattress that was falling apart. However, she didn't say anything while she looked at her brother, wondering what he was thinking. She was going to go with what he was going to say, even if Razul was there to help her.

James nodded his head. "That would be most kind, My Lord," he said, making Syn relax. "We would like that very much. If, the place doesn't allow any light in though. We don't want to get killed before we face with whatever we have to face."

Razul nodded his head. "The windows are painted black, Your Highness. They, also, have black curtains that do not let any light in. Would that suffice your needs?"

James nodded his head, again. "Yes, My Lord," he replied. "That would suffice my needs." He glanced down at her, raising an eyebrow. "Would that suffice your needs, Syn?"

"Yes, Brother," Syn replied, nodding her head. "And, if there is a better place to rest." She nudged the old mattress with her foot, making the older male smile.

"Of course, Princess. There is a better place for you rest your head." There was a smile in his voice, while he glanced around. "Well, pack what you need and then we can be on our way." He clapped his hands, making James and Syn scurry off to work.

Syn's whole body vibrated with an unknown power. She was ready for whatever will come at her. She knew that she might not be with her brother, but she knew that she would be able to save the world like she was supposed to.

She couldn't wait to discover the source of unknown power that she knew that she had.


A/N: I made an overprotective brother. I know. :P

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