Chapter 6- Syn (Edited)

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Syn glanced around, fear in her eyes. She knew this place, and she has been here in her dreams more than once. She couldn't help but replay those dreams and then the scene that she had been part of.

"He-hello?" she called again. "M-mom you're not here. A-are you?" Her voice squeaked at the end, after she asked that. She didn't want to know that part. It was her mother who had banished the two siblings from their world. It was, also, her mother that wanted this world to be taken for their own kind.

Please keep me safe, she prayed to The Five. I am nothing but a servant for you.

Syn spotted a shadow, as it started to move towards the young female of 1000, or 16 on Earth. She hissed, reaching for her sword. She frowned when she felt that it wasn't there. The sheath was not there, either. What the hell? she thought, tensing slightly. What's going on?

The shadow twirled around, and she couldn't help but feel another wave of fear come across her. The shadow stopped twirling, and it appeared to be man, that she knew from a long ago.

Dark purple eyes looked over her. His black hair was still scruffy and he had a dark, black beard around his face, hiding his lips which were curled into a smile. The 6'0 male stayed silent, as he looked over the young female.

Syn's eyes widened in shock. It had been a while, but she knew who this man was. However, it couldn't be him. He was dead. She had watched him die and held his hand on his deathbed. However, it looked like him, so could it possibly be the male that she knew?

"D-dad?" Syn asked, looking at the male before her. "I-is that you?" She shook her head and closed her eyes. No, it can't be him. I was at his side when he died, she thought, shaking her head, again. This is all a dream.

Syn felt a small bit of her hair being moved out of the way. She opened her eyes and saw that the man, who might be her father, staring into her eyes. She could see the love in those purple eyes, that looked so much like her own.

"It's me, Baby Girl," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. He pulled the speechless female into a hug, closing his eyes.

Syn got out of her inner shock and hugged him tightly. Her fear disappeared, and she was just filled with sadness and grief. "I-"

"Shhhh," he said, softly. "We can talk later. Let me hold you for a bit, my daughter."

Syn did as he said and stayed silent. She tried to hold back a sob, but it escaped her and all she did was cling to him and wept, letting all of her misery go onto his shirt.


Syn's sobs finally died down, and she was left feeling drained. She moved her head so that she could look at her father. That was when she realized that she was only a few inches shorter than his 6'0 form.

A smile graced the young female's face, as she looked at him. She could feel the love coming off of her, when she studied the male, her father. "I've missed you," she said.

The man chuckled a little and pulled her back into a hug. Tears of joy, streamed down his face. "And I have missed you," he said. He kissed her forehead, making the young female close her eyes.

Syn opened them and looked at her father. Questions started to go through her brain as she wondered why she was here and why he had contacted her now and not before or later.

"Thank The Five that you are here at last," Syn said, respectfully. "But if I may ask, why are you here now and not a few days after dear mother had kicked us out of our world?"

Her father looked down at her and took a deep breath. Regret filled his eyes as he saw how his daughter looked right now.

"You have grown," he said, brushing a strand of her hair between his fingers, loving the softness of it. "You would've made a great Warrior Princess."

Syn rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Don't change the subject, Father. Why are you here?"

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