Chapter 14- James (Edited)

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James glared at the male when he showed them how to work the showers. His nostrils flare, and he couldn't help but feel slightly self conscious with the fact that he had wetted the bed so much. James still didn't have that much control of his body, even though it had been a while since he had been in this form.

However, he didn't adapt as fast as his sister did, and he couldn't help but feel jealous about that.

Quirky and unusual, those were the words that had been used to describe his sister. Another word had that had been used to describe her was charming. And, she was. Syn was a charming person that could get someone to fall into her "traps" if they weren't careful.

The one word that James liked to describe her was, pain in the ass. And, if he was honest to himself, he loved the fact that she was a pain in the ass. He loved the fact that she would get on his nerves and then have that innocent grin of hers on her face when he tried to punish her.

"And, that is how you do it," Razul said, finishing his lecture on how to work the tub. He smiled at James, causing him to scowl. "If you two need any help, just holler and I will help you." He bowed his head before leaving them in the bathroom.

James grunted in pain, even though it didn't really hurt when his sister had kicked him in the back of his leg. He turned around and glared. "What?" he asked, a hiss in his voice. He didn't even blink at the venomous glare in her eyes, all ready used to it.

"Be nice," she said. "We don't need you to get us kicked out." She paused and sighed. "I don't like living here, James where we can be spotted."

"We live in the sewers that-"

"-have smelt disgusting, but we've adapted to it. We don't have to run through the sewers and survive."

"How can you trust him?"

"the ring, and if he wanted to kill us, he would've done it all ready," Syn said, bluntly. "And I am scared right now. I have to be this... big hot shot, and I have no idea what I'm going up against. We have no one else, James. Everyone else..." She stopped speaking, but she didn't need to say another word.

James knew that his sister was right. He knew that she was right. He could see it in her eyes and see the fear that he so badly wanted to take away for her. He could smell it coming off of her pores, and he knew that if it would help her, then he would just suck up his worry.

"Of course," he muttered, ducking his head down. "I am sorry." He frowned at the words before turning a small glare at his sister who had giggled at his obvious discomfort.

"Go, you big baby," she teased, causing him to hiss. "Go and get a shower. I'll meet you in your room, or you'll meet me in mine." She grinned. "Whoever finishes first."

James nodded his head and grunted. He understood his sister's plan, all ready thinking the same thing. They would be going to go wherever they were at together, even if it meant that they had to wait a long time.


James all but groaned when he stepped into the warm water of the shower. With the help of his sister's memories, he figured out how to work it with out the help of Razul.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard a giggle coming from his sister, knowing that she had been in his mind. James didn't say a word, knowing that it was the only way that they could communicate, and he was dependent on hearing her thoughts just as much as she was to his.

It was proven to them when their connection was cut just how much they relied on each other and their thoughts to keep sane.

'I love you, Big Brother,' his sister teased, causing her to scoff and roll his eyes. 'I do.'

'I know,' he replied with a hum. He found some sort of soap and started to wash his body, an awed look on his face to see different colors of dirt and blood coming off of his body. 'How is the shower?'

'Good," she said, absentmindedly. 'I found this peach stuff that smells so good into my hair.'

'Just don't used all of it,' he warned, finishing up with his shower before turning off the hot water. 'And see you in a bit.'

'All right.'

And with that, his sister drifted out of his mind and placed a block of her own just as James got out of the shower and go to the closet to find some clothing that would fit the male.  

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