Chapter 5- James (Edited)

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"Come on, Syn," James said, patting his sister's cheek. He had laid her on the mat that they shared together. They were in a secret room, where no one knew, down in the sewers and away from the Sun. "Wake up."

He could sense Syn's fear and didn't know what to do. "Damn it, Syn," he muttered, patting her cheek again. His heart started to pound, matching the pace of his younger sister's heart.

James bit his arm and held it to her mouth, so that she could suck the emitting darkness from his body. All he knew was that he needed to wake her up. He had sworn the night that they had left their world, that he would protect her. However, sometimes it seemed as if she was protecting him more than he was protecting her.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you," someone said from behind him.

James hissed a little and looked up to see five hooded figures, standing around the two siblings. His eyes narrowed automatically, not knowing if he could trust them or not. He looked them each in the eye, knowing that it might be a bad idea. However, he wasn't going to show any weakness, and he wasn't going to back down, even if there was a going to be fight. "And why not?" he asked. He stood up and placed his sister kind of behind him and between his legs.

"James Andrews Math'riel?" one of them asked. They sounded a little amused and bored about his protective behavior.

James opened his mouth to lie but closed it. He could feel an old source of power coming from these people. It felt as if they had been around longer than James's 1098 years. In the society, they lived in now, he looked like he was 18.

James and his sister learned about these Five, if they were The Five. They learned that The Five were powerful beings, and they were something that only myths and legends could explain. Even the myths and legends got facts wrong about them. So, all in all they were a mystery. Legend has it that The Five only appeared to those that were worthy. They also tried to help guide The Chosen to help choose the right path, or the path that The Five had wanted them to choose. It was also hard to decipher which one was male and female, since they sounded the same and their hood were always up, covering their faces.

"Again," the one that had spoken first, sounding rather bored, as it looked at James. "James Andrews Math'riel?"

"Prince James Andrews Math'riel," James replied, rather coldly. "And it depends on who is asking for him."

"You should kneel before The Five, Boy," another one said, disgust emitting from the old figure.

James took a deep breath to keep his impatience and his anger at bay. He was too worried about his sister to care about them right now. He didn't kneel but bowed his head in a sign of respect. "Please, forgive your lowly servant," he said, a small bit of sarcasm in his voice. "I am just worried about my younger sister, whom respects The Five greatly. How may your lowly servant be of service?"

One of The Five chuckled. "It seems someone has a small bit of temper," he/she, it said. Like the others, the voice had the distinction of both female and male. The voices were ancient like they had lived and seen more than others. This was the case, in fact. They have been on this and the other dimension longer than Earth has been discovered or made.

James let his head fall a little. "You could say that it is just the protective instinct. She is..." He sighed and closed his eyes, slightly. "She is all I have left. After my father... has been called, Mother had wanted to go through the portal and enslave the humans. If it wasn't for me and my sister, then she would've succeeded all ready."

"They are weaker than the Shadows. Their shadows can always turn against them."

"If we take them away," James replied. "But unlike us, they are day creatures and are immune to the sunlight." James didn't say it, but he was jealous of the humans. They knew how the sun felt and can ignore the Supernatural tenancies of those around them. Some of the humans were blind about who walked with them. They turned a blind eye to those that didn't look like them. That was how James and Syn had survived all those years alone.

"You do realize that a big battle will be going between the two species, yes?" another one asked.

James pondered this statement, before nodding his head. He knew that there would be a battle between them. "Yes," he replied. "Syn and I will try our best to keep the Shadow Creatures down so that the humans can live in peace. They do not need to worry about us, or our kind" He paused. "This is their world, and we shouldn't take it from them."

All Five nodded their heads. "You have great wisdom for that so young," the last spoke finally. "Or is it what you sister had said?"

James looked at his feet, looking at the shivering female. He didn't know what was going on, but all he knew was that she might be in danger. He couldn't do anything about it and didn't know if he could do anything to change places with her. His heart yearned to know what she was facing, but he knew that this battle was for her alone. He knew that she was strong enough to deal with whatever she was facing. "It is," he replied, truthfully. "She is fascinated by these creatures and wishes more than anything to walk with-" He clamped his mouth shut. He almost told them the secret that Syn had entrusted him with.

"You do realize that you two might not be together, if whatever happens plays out," the first said. The figure looked at him, and James had to shiver because it felt like he could see through the hood into eyes that were almost black as coal.

"I know," he replied, nodding his head. "But I want that portal to be closed."

All Five nodded their heads, again. "And you two are the ones to do it. If you call on the power that has been bestowed on you, then you might lose your sister. Will you risk that?"

James shuddered. He knew that he would or else his sister would hate him forever. He would rather have her taken away from him and not hate him, rather than her staying with him, hating him with her gut. "Yes," he replied. "If the time comes."

The Five nodded their heads again and one held up a hand. A whistle appeared in it's hand. "This is how you will contact the great power. It will hurt your sister, since she is part of this whole process."

The whistle appeared in James's hand and he could feel darkness swirling around. This is where my demons hide, he thought thinking of that catchy song, that Syn loved very much. He sighed as he studied the blackness of it. Would he use it to save the world? It might change Syn, so maybe only the future can tell. "I-"

James looked up to see that he was alone again. He shook his head before kneeling down, besides his younger sister. "You can do it, Syn," he whispered, softly. "You are strong enough to do whatever battle that has been bestowed on you."

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