Chapter 16- James (Edited)

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James placed his sister in one of the rooms before moving to the other side of the bed. He laid down beside her and pulled her close, wanting to feel the softness of her skin. No, he didn't love her like a lover but as a security blanket, someone that he knew was real and wasn't fake.

His mind kept on playing different scenarios that he wished would just go away and leave him alone. He made sure that Syn wasn't able to see what was going on in his mind, because she needed the sleep more than he.

James grunted and turned the other way, wide awake. His mind drifted off to the fact that he would probably be the one that wil kill her for the greater good of Earth and make them be safe from his own kind.

"I have your back," Syn mumbled, sleepily, causing James to look back at her. She grabbed his arm and pulled him close, causing him to have a ghost smile.

James kissed her forehead and laid his face close to his. "And I have yours," he promised before closing his eyes. Sleep started to take control of his mind, and he let himself be sunk into it's dark tendrils.


"What do you mean Syn only has two weeks to live?" James all but growled, pointing at his sister.

It had been two weeks since James and Syn had lived with Razul, and a lot of things had changed. Syn had become more of the Shadow Warrior that she was supposed to be as well as the guardian of Earth.

James had become her protector and learned all the details that came with it. However, what didn't come with the position was to watch his sister die on the total lunar eclipse which was happening two weeks away.

He had known that she would be dying, but he didn't think it would've been that soon. And, that caused the stubborn, cold male to panic, even though he wouldn't tell his sister that he panics as well.

"You knew that I was going to have to die," Syn said not looking at him. "But, you are afraid to let me go." She looked at him, her purple eyes showing the knowledge that was held in them.

James didn't reply. He didn't need to. His sister knew his thoughts, just as he knew hers. He knew that she needed him to be strong, but he wasn't. He was losing his sister, and there was no way to stop it from happening.

"Is there another way, My Lord?" Syn asked, looking at Razul, who had a grim look on his face. "Is there a way to stop my mother from taking over Earth and not dying?"

Razul shook his head. "No, My Lady," he said. "The reason why I didn't tell you this sooner was because, I knew that you would've done something stupid, My Prince," Razul added, glancing at James's glaring face.

"Like hell she will be up against them," James all but growled. "I will find a way-"

"No," Syn said, softly. She looked at him collectively, and James knew that her mind was reeling. "I am tired of us hiding from them. I'm tired of wondering if tomorrow will be the last day that this place stands for freedom, this world not controlled by our kind. They do not need to be slaves to the darkness."

James huffed.

"It's true though, and you know it. You are just scared that we have to go on separate paths and you will not be able to take care of me."

James looked at her, his face blank. He didn't agree with her, nor did he disagree with her. She was his baby sister after all, and he didn't want to be left alone with no one that he knew or trusted.

"You can trust Razul," Syn said, hearing his doubts. "He has proven himself worthy."

James sighed and tried to come up with plans that his sister would be able to stay alive during the period that would surely end her life.

Syn reached over and pulled the unresponsive male into a hug. A small huff came of her mouth before she grabbed one of his arms and pulled it around her. "I'll still be with you," she mumbled.

James hugged his sister closer to him and sighed in defeat. He knew that he will have to protect her from a distance, but he didn't know how much he would be able to give her up. "I know," he muttered. He cleared his throat. "All right," he said, softly. "Two weeks. We need to get you trained."  

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