As we dreamed

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Their appointment with the doctor is in a couple of hours and Can is still in his office writing down all the kind of questions that pop to his mind. From how many times they will have to change their diapers to their sleeping schedule. Like the poor man is some sort of magician and he will know how active their kids will be.

Sanem can't help but smile at his sight. He's the cutest little bunny, all worried about things he won't be able to control. That's what the books said at least. After the scene at the beach she decided to occupy herself with reading, to distract her mind from the thoughts that they probably lost a client. She read all the books in two days, and she memorized them in three. So according to the books, every kid since being a fetus has its own unique character that will only evolve as it grows. That's why even twins - or in their case- triplets might be completely different human beings.

They leave the house an hour later, paper at hand full of questions which needed answers. "I just want you to try not to faint this time my love. We will be here to see the well being of our children, not to give you another unnecessary check up." she says half kidding half serious. She's really concerned how he will react.

"Aren't you the funniest person my life? There's no need to worry though. I won't fell on the floor this time... I'll ask for a chair before the examination begins." he's laughing, his eyes smiling but she knows he's serious.

They are waiting for the nurse to call them in when they hear the cry of a wanna-be father screaming and jumping out of the examination room. He wife walk out completely embarrassed but he's having none of it. He drops to his knees and talks to his baby girl who's still in her mother's belly.

Sanem looks at Can who's starring at this admittedly beautiful scene in front of them. He turns to looks at her "See!! That's exactly what I wanted. To expect only one baby, girl of course, so I can spoil her with everything she wanted. But no... God forbid... we couldn't do something normal for once... no we had to be having three kids at one go!!! Tell me, how am I suppose to spoil them at the same time??" Sanem bursts into laughing but the woman next to her looks terrified.

"You should have learned by now my love that we don't do anything normal." she says while she still laughs.

Right on time the nurse calls their name. The doctor leads her straight to the bed next to the machine and begins his usual questions while another nurse prepares Sanem for the examination.

Can indeed asks for a chair, and takes her hand into his. She doesn't know if it's for his own consolation or hers but she squeezes it.

"Are we ready? Mister Can, can I begin? Are you ready?" Sanem tries to hold her laugh but fails miserably. "Come on doctor, don't tease him. He's my first baby, we should be taking care of him too." she says as she caresses his beard. He leans into her palm without saying anything.

The moment the ultrasound stick touches her belly they hear a heartbeat. "That's the fortunate thing in multiple pregnancies like yours. You can find the babies really easy." doctor says as he's observing the baby. She can feel Can's hand tightening the hold on hers. "Do we want to know the sex of the babies, or do we keep it as a surprise?"

"We do, don't we Can?"

"Yes please, if that's ok with you too. I think we had enough surprises already"

"Okay, he is completely healthy and grown according to our semester." he says after a few clicks. "He? As in, a boy?" Can is the one who speaks. "Yes Can, one of your kids is a boy"

"Ates..." Sanem says with a voice full of emotion.

"Moving on... There's the other one. Also completely healthy but a little shy... Hold on." he moves the stick a little so he can get the baby to move. After two minutes he exclaims "Ah there she is. You wanted a daughter, right Can?"

He can't find words to speak so he just nods. All he manages to say is "Deniz..." He sees that Sanem is almost crying. "Two out of three check." says as he kisses her forehead.

"What's the third name you choose? I need to know if it matches what I'm seeing right now."

"Yildiz." They say the name simultaneously. "And it's a girl. In my dream at least" Sanem says.

"In that case... double bingo Sanem. And she's the one whose causing you nausea since she doesn't stay still in one place for more than one minute."

Can feels overwhelmed. The dream both of them had numerous times becomes reality. Before he has time to process that thought Sanem jogs him "Twin girls Can Divit. Two girls that one day someone like you will sweep them off their feet and take them away from you, just like you took me away from my dad...."

"I don't know what you mean my love... I really don't. I mean if they find a good man who will take care of them and I approve him of course I don't see the problem..." his eyes never moving away from the screen.

"You guys are by far the cutest couple I have ever met. I'm just saying a suggestion here. Let's focus first on birthing them and then we discuss the options for the groom, ok?" Can laughs while nodding and gives the good doctor the questionnaire he has prepared.

Thirty minutes later they leave the office with his hands full of leaflets, while Sanem tries to explain to him why they don't need to empty the pool just yet.

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